Aaaannnnndddd I'm spent......

by safe4kids 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Congratulations Dana!!

    You did it!! You deserve a huge round of applause for your accomplishment! Not only that, you've shown yourself that you can do whatever you put your mind to doing, and do it with panache!

    Celebrate your achievement... you deserve it
    (the ****load of student loans notwithstanding )

    Love, Scully

  • Sassy

    way cool!!


  • 68storm

    Way to go!! Dana!......Congratulations!!.......I can see it all now, if I make it south for Christmas, you will have to talk down to me.

    I am really proud of you. Now you have to make that Aerostar last a little longer to pay off those loans.

    If I decide to drive down, we will kill off a magnum of bubbly and off course a two four of Maximim Ice. (No Bud for me please).


  • jst2laws

    (Special Edd does the happy dance while yelling "Graduate, Yaaaaaayyyy") Sickened



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Congrats Dana

    It is amazing what we can accomplish when we work so hard for it - and you are proof it is never too late

  • moonwillow

    Congratulations ! ! ! I'm so happy for you!

  • morty

    Congrats Dana!!!Happy Graduation

    You should be so proud of yourself.... I was a single mom, many years ago when... I returned to school just for my high school diploma, with 2 young children...I was oh so proud of my accomplishment, and you have much more to be happy about...Can I ask what you went through for?...I am really considering now, to take a Colleage course...again,

    Congrats on your accomplishments!!!Smiley University

    Congrats......You should be so proud of yourself......I love seeing a women, a single mom at that, making such a challenge in their life, and over coming all the hurdles....Great News!!!!

  • Seven

    Happy Graduation


    I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished!! You've worked so hard to get there! Wishing you much happiness and deserve it.

    Love ya Blowing Kisses


  • MegaDude


    Hyyyyyuge congrats. It takes a lot of drive and discipline to do what you did. Now let's focus on getting a couple of masters degrees.

  • safe4kids

    Vassal, Thanks for the degree! I can't wait to actually get my hot little hands on the real thing (how sad is that?? a piece of paper turns me on now )

    Frank, Thank you and you're so right, it beats the heck out of door to door!

    Expat, Thanks but why oh why must you call me Napoleon?? Didn't he come to a rather bad end? And dude, forget that wimpy diet pepsi...I'm going straight for the hard stuff..DIET COKE!

    Worldlygirl, I am proud of myself, although I'll feel better when my house is clean Hats off to you, too for your accomplishment. (btw, you look so familiar, remind me of some dubs I used to know from Lakeland, FL)

    Gopher, Thanks dude, and thanks for the help along the way. My job prospects are looking quite good...the agency where I've done my internship wants me (they like me! they really really like me! LOL) they said they'd probably set up an interview following my graduation. If I get the job, I'll be working in Child Welfare more or less for the state.

    Craig Thank you for your kind words, they made me I think 90 credits is a LOT to be proud of! I know how hard they are to come by and you know, it's never too late to finish.

    Waiting, it took me a few minutes to figure out what "waddago" meant I was using a short a sound...heheheh, see what happens when ya get edumicated??? Thanks for the kudos, it's been a real experience going to school and trying to manage the kids too and no it hasn't always been easy but they've also come in pretty handy at times as an excuse to miss class

    Awww ((((Chris)))) I'll take a cyber hug

    Scully, thanks for the encouragement

    and do it with panache

    oooh, I haven't made those in awhile but they sure sound good...with warm butter and cane syrup..yum!

    sns, thanks that was sweet of you.

    68storm, hey buddy! talk down to you, eh?? Dude, you've got it backwards doncha know...all this learning has my brain numb, you'll have to use one-syllable words and short sentences with me now. As for celebrating, hey I really like your style!!! Can't wait to see you and your son again, but this year let's do a different park hey?

    (((((((Steve))))))) Awww, shucks you're a real sweetie! And you cracked me up with "Special Edd"

    Lee, thanks for the support you've shown me, today and at other times. I know I haven't been around much lately but it has meant a lot.

    moonwillow, thank you!

    morton, you should be very proud of yourself! It's really hard when the kids are so young to do much of anything for ourselves. And I don't mind talking about my degree...I will have a Bachelor's in Social Work, so I can officially call myself a Social Worker If you're thinking about going back, remember you can start out small, which is what I did. I went to a community college and my first semester, I think I only took 2 or 3 classes so that I could kind of ease into it. So, go for it! It IS doable

    (((((((Seven))))))) Thank you, sweetie, your friendship, support and encouragement have meant a great deal to me over the last year especially. I love you too!

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