Pioneer School Funny Picture

by pale.emperor 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pale.emperor

    Found this on one of the exJW Reddit pages. A "hilarious" group photo. Another sign that this isnt the same religion we remembered of the 80s and 90s - and I dont mean that in a good, progressive way.

    You can just smell the virginity oozing out of the front and back row.

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  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Bad association spoils useful habits. If that is a genuine picture, they've spent too much time watching Stephen Lett.

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  • HappyDad

    The guy on the far left, third one back kind of looks like Lett. And what's with the guy's face on the far right, second one back?

  • pale.emperor

    I know what he's thinking... "This would never have been allowed in my day".

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  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    HappyDad - That's Joseph Rutherford after a long day on the chariot.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i think one of them had just farted loudly.

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  • nowwhat?

    Oh my I don't think most of them have ever had a real job before... Or a date!

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  • truth_b_known

    "We are not in a cult. See, we wear bow ties and make silly face photos."

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  • phoenixrising

    Back when I was in the cult that would have been viewed as not respectful to a serious situation. But I also saw some line dancing in a KH and that would have been a paddling when I was in. No Fing way that would have ever been sanctioned.

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  • Phizzy

    If we did not know anything about this photo, just came across it somewhere, what would be your honest first impression ?

    The words weird and retards come to my mind, no disrespect to J.W's intended, I mean that WOULD have been my first impression, that they came from some sort of Home for people with " difficulties".

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