PIMO Bethel Elder Has Special Message & Speaks out

by Newly Enlightened 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    A PIMO Elder at Bethel has come forward with a special message posted on Reddit.


    r/exjw - U.S. Branch Intranet Homepage

    The dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real. No outside guests are allowed inside Bethel at this time. The following message is from an "undercover brother" inside Watchtower šŸŒŽ Headquarters:

    "Greetings fellow PIMO's, POMO's and even lurking JW's (We know you are here and that's ok; you are doing nothing wrong and you should not feel guilty. Welcome!!!). I sincerely hope all who read or hear this message are doing well and striving to live their best lives.

    After spending many years at World Headquarters (currently still here) and working in many different Bethel departments, I feel inclined to share some of my observations and insights, some of which may already be known and some which may not. So here they are:

    1. While it will never be stated on any monthly JW broadcast, never be conveyed on any morning worship program found on the JW Library app or said in any "Bethel" lecture made available to the rank and file online, the Governing Body is extremely paranoid and quite frankly exhausted dealing with all of the leaks and apostasy aimed at the Watch Tower organization.

    They are actively taking steps to go on the offensive rather than having to constantly defend themselves in court. They even began a campaign of reaching out to local government officials in certain regions in hopes of politicking and garnering favor with the community.

    They are also already in the process of training potential new, younger Governing Body members. There is much speculation around Bethel as to when/if these new men will be announced as new Governing Body members, but time will tell.

    2) While the Bethel family is composed of some genuine and loving people who feel they are really supporting "Christ's brothers'', there is a high level of cognitive dissonance felt by many here at Bethel, specifically since the pandemic/lockdown began at Bethel in March 2020.

    Many feel that the direction provided by the Governing Body has been over blown and quite frankly overkill. The Governing Body and Branch Committee will brag that we have experienced zero Covid related deaths in the US branches but will not truly acknowledge the hardships and struggles that have been felt by many at Bethel due to the restrictions placed on Bethelites since we went into lockdown.

    Many individuals at Bethel struggle with mental health issues such as depression and even suicidal thoughts, which has been exaserbated by the restrictions placed on the Bethelites since the start of lockdown. This has led to all sorts of issues at Bethel such as drugs infiltrating the facilities, alcoholism, broken marital relationships and unfortunately even cases of domestic abuse between married couples, just to name a few. If the average rank and file member knew of the mental health crisis, as well as all the "worldly" shit that goes on at Bethel, they would be quite appalled.

    3) Lastly, after spending many years here, meeting and associating with many high ranking men, sitting in on hundreds of meetings where decisions have been made that have affected people's lives, I can genuinely say that this is not an organization run by God. It is simply a billion dollar corporation no different than any other major corporation in existence today.

    God, Jesus and the holy spirit are in no way involved in the decisions or direction given that affect millions of people's lives. It is simply a group of men sitting at a table acting on what they feel is right in the moment. Oftentimes the direction given is reactive. In many cases it is a small group of men who truly hold the power and control. Sure, there are some good things about Bethel. You meet and spend time with some genuinely good and honest people. But there is also the bad, and in some cases the ugly.

    I don't know what the future holds but perhaps one day I will taste freedom and be able to tell my full story. Until then, if the opportunity presents itself I will continue to share insights and past experiences, if desired."

    It is a great honor to be the microphone for this courageous freedom fighter who is awake inside Watchtower world headquarters!

    And to any Watchtower spies on this sub: You are trapped in a high control group and an abusive, captive organization, guilty of human rights violations on an unprecedented scale. Please see our loving petition signed by thousands of current and former JWs on change.org/loveistruth22


  • nowwhat?

    Wow! So the "real life" they so much brag about involves depression, alcoholism, broken marriages, and drug abuse! Hey G B ! " Paranoia will destroy ya!"

  • TonusOH

    I think that has always been the dirty little secret at Bethel. I just hope this person is making sure to cover his tracks as thoroughly as he can.

    Thanks for posting this, Kim/Mike.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    If you didn't see his other screenshots, click on the arrow in the photo.

    You're welcome.

  • Simon
    The dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.

    They really aren't. I can't see any proof whatsoever. One is of a food menu, what is that proof of?

    This is a claim, with some images attached, that don't appear related to the claim in any way.

    I think we need to be more critical of these undercover exposes - they sound invented and I think believing and spreading them makes us easy targets for people who want to troll or build up a name for themselves as some leaker when they are anything but.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Iā€™m with Simon on this one

  • Hellothere

    Probably real. I mean nothing really like new or fake about this. Its just what I suspected was going on in bethel. Former bethel member told that lots of bethel members are on the pill. Not strange if you think about how joyful and happy (sarcasm) GB member's look. Just look at GB member's and you gonna know how life is in bethel right now.

  • ThomasMore

    I'm on the fence with this one. I understand that a current B'Lite would take every precaution to hide their identity so that is to be expected. I have heard other B'Lites say that things are pretty miserable but they are also very guarded. Reprisals can be pretty strong for criticizers.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Raymond Franz in the 4th Ed. of his Crisis of Conscience book on pages 84-85 says that in the year 1975 many Bethel workers were very unhappy with the their situation at Bethel.

    M. James Penton in the 1st Ed. of his Apocalypse Delayed book on page 225 says that Rutherford "liked to drink ...." It also says that during the Rutherford era at WT headquarters that "Drinking, then, almost became part of a cult of machismo into which new workers were usually quickly inducted." The page also says the following. "Since Rutherford's death, drinking has continued to be common at Bethel and Watch Tower officials who can afford to do so will have cabinets well stocked with expensive liquors."

    The petition that is linked to in the first post of this topic thread is interesting. It might make some impact if it is brought to the attention of numerous governments and and numerous news agencies around the world.

  • Simon
    Probably real. I mean nothing really like new or fake about this.

    Whether it's real or unreal is unknowable and that's the point - the appeal to evidence that doesn't exist makes me think it's not real ... because otherwise why do it? Why not provide the evidence? Because it's not real?

    We need to be more discerning and less gullible. Just because someone appears telling you something you want to believe that you are likely to believe doesn't make it true.

    Even if it is true, we should have higher standards of what "proof" means.

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