Avatar image or whatever it is called

by amicabl 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Lol. There was me thinking your avatar was symbolic of how watchtower has literally turned your world upside down 😂

  • amicabl

    After those comments I feel obliged to leave it as it is!

  • sparrowdown

    You could try refreshing your avatar and try again. If that doesn't work try a different image.

  • amicabl

    I've tried different images, they are either sideways or upside down. I'll leave it like this for now as I don't make many comments. When I have time I will work on it or better still have one of my daughters or grandson fix it. I'm not computer illiterate just lazy and enjoying some real retirement since I left jws six months ago.

    I' m still in bed on a cool rainy Queensland spring morning at 10am, went downstairs earlier and got a big hug from my wife (still in but OK with my decision). She said I was nice and warm ( maybe a suggestive comment!) made myself a hot coffee and chocolate drink and went back to bed to write this. I actually feel really good today which certainly isn't the case all the time as we all know about the emotional turmoil. Thanks all!

  • sparrowdown

    You could just use the random avatar the site provides while you're figuring it out if it bothers you too much.

    Good luck and don't let it put you off posting it can be therapeutic.

  • Fader812

    Being a JW will turn you upside down.

  • smiddy3

    Welcome amicabi from an ex S.E.Qlder ,I need to stand on my head to get a better look at you.

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