Reasons for doubting.

by New day 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • New day
    New day


    interesting point you make about my wife receiving visits from others and how that might keep her in. In fact she has not received too many calls and one has been from a sis who thought she could help by inviting her on the ministry. That didn't work as my wife has major shyness issues. No mention has been made about my situation.

    As far as I am concerned, yes, I could not voice my concerns to anyone. I did mention some things to an elder friend but he couldn't deal with my problems with the generation teaching and the money grab so I stopped discussing it with him. The only outlet is here.

  • truthlover123
    Probably your wife would go along with you eventually as the caring slows down from the sister(s) and she may want to cling closer to you - if not already. It is definitely hard to go from door to door to do cold calls on strangers and it would be somewhat of a scary thing for her if she is that shy. To leave what you have known is a scary place too. As you know people will shun you IF you write a DA letter to the congregation so a slow fade or a move to another area may be an answer. Do you have kids who are tied to the truth as well? If you have an extended family in the truth , sometimes a new home or apartment whatever, may be the answer so that you don't have guilts... and that is a bad thing for a long time. The truth, no matter what you feel, will stay unless you have a strong will.. It life changing in many ways to leave - just be prepared and pre plan before you do.
  • Rattigan350

    "They take all the money away from congregations and say they need it for the worldwide building projects, then they put all the worldwide building projects on hold because there isn't enough money."

    Back in 2012 there was an announcement that they needed money to build the Rome Georgia Assembly Hall. March 2014 there was a letter posted on the board that said that they had raised $4 million for that.

    Not long after there was an announcement that the project was canceled. What became of the $4 million? People don't care. They just think that it is for Jehovah.

  • Vidiot

    Beth Sarim - "Visibility=Spiritual... Not Visible= Poor Association, maybe even demonic... Nothing more hollow than the above reasoning."

    Lett's noggin, maybe? :smirk:

  • SouthCentral

    Bumping a good post I enjoyed. Since we had so many newly awaken souls; I thought I would share it again!

  • Fisherman
    scriptural reason to believe it

    It is the only definition left that can fulfill the prophecy ( given wt scriptural interpretation of the year 1914 is correct to begin with. )

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I left after the Nov. issue of the WT came out where they gutted the generation doctrine. I never looked back.

    That was almost 27 years ago. I'm surprised more didn't leave then. To me it was almost as big as 1975....which I remember as a 12 year old. Both failed predictions were very damaging to me. I learned my lesson... don't need a third time.

  • BluesBrother

    This thread is 7 yr old but still relevant today. We need a reason to wake ourselves up.

    Having been in from a small boy in the fifties I just couldn’t countenance being in the 21st Century and still be in the “old world “ . Something was obviously wrong with the time scale. Once I realised that , all the other niggling doubts came back and I soon realised it was just not true…..

  • waton
    It is the only definition left that can fulfill the prophecy ( given wt scriptural interpretation of the year 1914 is correct to begin with. ) Fisherman

    You said it, I is the only interpretation left. and it is wrong.

    wt interpreted, predicted, prophesied, that in 1914 the world would end, and the wt anointed would be taken to heaven.

    The only definition left? all in the name of God, a witness to God?

    Feel sorry for youall.

  • DesirousOfChange

    We started our fade nearly 10 years ago. I can only think of three occasions where any of the local elders reached out to encourage us to return to meetings. Only one elder who was a close friend in another congregation, continued regularly to remind us of special events (Memorial, Assemblies, Convention).


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