Is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year? Does anyone have any?
by DAWUD 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year? Does anyone have any?
Yes, there are hundreds of them.
And another one:
Page 1https://postimg.cc/KKXNRh9Z
Page 2https://postimg.cc/XXXCSD8x
If you want the whole she-bang of them the file would be in the gigabytes.
Without wanting to go through what is said in these letters can someone give a summary ?
I would like to see them all. I have 2 terabytes free memory. Can we do this?
Pretty much gives helpful hints to the pioneers.
Plan Ahead
Accomplish The Most Good
Remember Your Follow Up Ministry
Use the Art of Persuasion
Importance of House to House Ministry
Good Schedule
Preach Everywhere
and most important,
send all the German Beer to smiddy3 and Atlantis!!!
It can be done, but not right now. It will take quite some time to collect them all and organize them. I will have to work on it a little at a time.
I have already been asked to scan another "Fat Boy" and that will take quite a bit of time also.
Here's how it was for older ex pios. The requirement was 1200 hours per year. The letter back in the day had the hours you had reported at the top of the letter. If it was 1150, not good. Unlike the rest of the congregation, you reported direct to Bethel.
You could be de-listed, struck off from this unpaid "privilege". Serious illness was not a valid excuse. If you wanted a vacation you had to do 100 hours plus per month to build up a surplus of hours, otherwise, don't even think about it.
Don't forget, most of us had to work for a minimum of 2 days a week to maintain even a subsistence living.
So, yes in answer to your question we got a letter each year.
Edit to add. The slogan of the day was "Early in the day, Early in the Month, Early in the Year"
No need to read all them. Rewritten combination of propaganda, coercion, flattery, pep talk, with some adjustments at times on hours or such. Since it is so special to be a pioneer the letters are only for the few. We unworthies are not to be privy to the contents. Same for the pioneer school, meeting etc.
Cold german beers for Atlantis
I vaguely remember hearing about that high number amount of yearly hours a pioneer was supposed to get. It sounded amazing and unattainable.
You also mention that a person had to work a minimum of two days a week just to ‘maintain a subsistence living’. I vaguely remember hearing that as well. The problem is that if somebody did this their whole life they would have paid next to nothing into Social Security here in the US! ..Very bad come retirement.👎
I remember hearing about some younger people years ago who left pioneering and I assumed it was because of financial hardship. Hopefully, they planned for their future (which is here now).