Science article Watchtower style:
Where were Adam and Eve created?
The Bible is the best evidence that the first humans were created in the Middle East.
But many evolutionists want to believe that humans originated in Africa.
Do the facts show their beliefs are correct?
Dr Sergi Castellano, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Germany, said about the importance of this issue: "It is significant for understanding the history of [...] humans [...]."
What do the facts show about the location of first humans?
Previously some have "suggested that humans [...] migrated out of Africa and began to spread around the world.
As they left the continent, they [...] lived across Europe and Asia."
However, speaking about human presence in continents other than Africa, a scientist comments:
"The latest finding suggests otherwise. [This] was happening thousands of years earlier."
In fact, humans were nowhere to be found in Africa in the earliest human history.
Speaking about giving birth to children, the same scientist comments that the evidence shows that "early humans were [...] doing so outside of Africa because our close relatives were not found there."
"And this means that [raising families in Africa] took place at least [many] years later."
Since humans were in Africa 'later', they must have been on other continents 'earlier'.
Clearly this proves that human migration started in the Garden of Eden, not in Africa
"The functional significance of this is unclear at the moment," said Dr Castellano. "However, the findings do shed more light on the history of human migration."
If scientists are unclear about how to interpret the available evidence, how can they pretend to be able to reject God's all-knowing wisdom?
Commenting on the study Prof Chris Stringer, research leader in human origins, from the Natural History Museum in London, said: "[...]we really don't know how widespread [...] early [...] humans might have been in the regions between Arabia and China at this time."
He added: "At the moment we simply don't know [...] the possibilities [...]. [We] will need a lot more data before that becomes possible."
Yes, those who are blinded by Satan want to believe lies about human origins that are contradicted by the evidence.
But True Christians accept the abundantly available evidence that shows Adam and Eve were created in the Middle East, and reject the satanic propaganda of those opposing biblical truth.
And again science shows the Bible to be correct!