No updated Watctower's articles on Evolution

by opusdei1972 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • opusdei1972

    As far as I know, the "Creation" book is out of print ?, Am I right?. if so, WHY ?,... well, I was searching for new Watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution. So, I did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution. So I downloaded papers published in Science, Nature, Journal of Human Evolution, Evolutionary Anthropology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, the book "The Primate Origins of Human Nature", and the book "The First Humans, Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus Homo". So, I think I did a good homework by observing the fosil records, then I proved for myself that the current evidence is overwhelming in showing that there were primitive homo species well before Neanderthals and modern humans. Even Neanderthals show morphological difference in some bones.

    So, I suspect that the Society would have a hard task in writing a new "Creation" book, regarding the overwhelming updated evidences. See, for example, the Turkana boy (a Homo Erectus of 1.5 millions of years. It is not a monkey, nor a human. So, the Society is avoiding to treat this issue many years ago.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Weighed and Found Wanting examines the two 2010 Watchtower releases regarding evolution (The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking and Was Life Created?) and shows how both misrepresent evolution and distort almost every quote included.

    The WTS View of Creation and Evolution. An article by Alan Feuerbacher showing how the Watchtower book Life - How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? makes regular use of misquotes to support its stance.

    The Awake 2014 March contained an article which managed to misrepresent the Bible, Science and Christians. Alan Feuerbacher highlights the dishonesty and poor logic in Critique of the March 2014 Awake Article "The Untold Story of Creation".

    Enjoy :)

  • Magnum

    I was actually planning on starting a thread soon about the Creation book. Yes, as far as I know, it's out of print, and the org higher-ups wish it had never existed. Finding out how it was written (basically by one JW man, I think), how deceptive it was, how it quoted a lot from a science quack (Francis Hitching), etc. is one of the main things that helped me to wake up.

    I suspect that the Society would have a hard task in writing a new "Creation" book

    I think the org had a hard time writing the old Creation book; that's why it resorted to deception and quoting from the quack.

  • Simon
    Finding out ... how deceptive it was, how it quoted a lot from a science quack (Francis Hitching), etc. is one of the main things that helped me to wake up.

    Snap, me too!

    So many completely different branches of science all point to the same date ranges for numerous things which simply contradicted the WTS beliefs that to keep ignoring the hard evidence and go along with a provably deceptive and biased source just had "fraud" written all over it.

    It was then their reaction to my questions that was the clincher - basically "shut up, or else".

    They seem very light on any attempt at intellectualism or deep stuff now, it's all just fluff "feeling" type things mostly.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Three strands of beliefs by Christians on the subject of evolution.

    1. Young Earth Creationism: Earth created 6,000 - 10,000 years ago (42,000 years ago for former Watchtower chronology). No evolution.
    2. Old Earth Creationism: Earth created ? - 4.5 billion years ago. Evolution, maybe.
    3. Theistic Evolution: Earth created 4.5 billion years ago. God directs evolution for his own goals.
  • opusdei1972

    I am no more a believer, but I have to admit that the Catholic Church has improved their understanding of some Bible texts. The Catholic Church, in practice, now admits that some Bible accounts can't be taken seriously as historical facts. Nevertheless, Jehovah's Witnesses insist in believing with literalism in Adam and Eve and the Flood's story. Let us read:

    "Fundamentalism also places undue stress upon the inerrancy of certain details in the biblical texts, especially in what concerns historical events or supposedly scientific truth. It often historicizes material which from the start never claimed to be historical. It considers historical everything that is reported or recounted with verbs in the past tense, failing to take the necessary account of the possibility of symbolic or figurative meaning."

    (THE INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE IN THE CHURCH, pontifical Biblical Commission Presented on March 18, 1994 )

  • schnell

    I was "late to the game" finding this, but man is the Harry Peloyan interview interesting.

  • opusdei1972

    The most absurd thing is that the Watchtower Society still shows in its literature (their Insight Encyclopedia), that Adam was created 6000 years ago:

    Finally, after 930 years, most of which was spent in the slow process of dying, Adam returned to the ground from which he was taken, in the year 3096 B.C.E., just as Jehovah had said.Ge 4:8-26; 5:5-24; Jude 14; see LAMECH No. 2. (Insight, Volume 1, Adam)

    This is, of course, unacceptable in this XXI century. Neanderthals disappeared 40 000 years ago, and the overlapping with modern humans is just about 5000 years. so there were modern humans more than three decades before the mythical Adam.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    The most absurd thing is that the Watchtower Society still shows in its literature (their Insight Encyclopedia), that Adam was created 6000 years ago:

    I haven't checked recently but I get the impression that the Watchtower has dropped their "Weeks within a week" doctrine with the creation days of Genesis being 7,000 years long with a length of seven 1,000 year days each.

    Image result for confused smiley

  • schnell

    Mitochondrial Eve dates back 200,000 years, and ****may**** have been contemporary but probably predated Y-chromosomal Adam. Homo sapiens sapiens underwent a cognitive revolution 80,0000 years ago and developed the ability to make stuff up. The Lion Man statue then dates back 30,000 to a cave in Germany. We've been around a while.

    I wonder. How do we support a Babylonian origin for all false religion when this little lion man statue predates even the oldest gods known to man?

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