Hope no one is offended.
by FlyingHighNow 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hope no one is offended.
I noticed you did....It looks great, and I am not offended all.....Merry Christmas...
Thanks, Morty. Glad my evil evergreen and Ms. Santy Claus slippers didn't make you run screaming from the board.
Hey, how do you spell avitar? Is it avatar?
Satanic whore of Babylon... I curse thee into thyst fire that burnest foreverest... I send you to satan, you leech of a bloodsucking...
Oh wait.
I'm not a witness anymore
Nice avatar!
Cooooool (and cozy). Merry Christmas!
I hung a navel orange from...............never mind!
what kind orange, Naval?
Do we all agree it's spelled avatar? I changed it.
Cooooool (and cozy). Merry Christmas! DE
Thanks, DE, now if I can only get the tree up and the outside lights.
That's a real compliment there. I proudly wear the 10 inch heel, platform, plexiglass shoes.
Satanic whore of Babylon... I curse thee into thyst fire that burnest foreverest... I send you to satan, you leech of a bloodsucking...
.I hung a navel orange from...............never mind!
Why that's more exitement than decent people need! From TropicaTwister TV commercial circa 1980 somehing.
Glad you never minded because it could lead to dancing.
No....naval oranges are raised at sea on ships occupied by men with bell bottomed trousers and funny hats.......think of the palm tree in "Mr. Roberts"...It's kinda like that........
mac, of the now I'm missing Jimmy class
Do I see ciggies smoke on it too?
Love it
Blue Bubblegum Girl