Sometimes new situations can provide cover for one’s mistakes or intentions. For example, suppose that I crack the windshield in my dad’s car one night. I go home, park the car in its usual spot in the yard, and go to bed without telling my dad because I’m scared and I’m trying to think of a way out of the situation. That night, a big storm comes and blows the big old oak tree right over on Dad’s car and smashes it (including the windshield). Hallelujah!!! Now I’m free of my worries about the windshield!
Some of us on this site have conjectured about a possibility that the org wants to transform into an e-religion and sell off Kingdom Halls. If the org does desire such, it might have feared the consequences of just outright doing it. However, the new situation in the world (virus) could perhaps give it an excuse for doing so.
The org could present an argument such as the following: “The scene of the world is changing, we are deep in the time of the end, and Jehovah’s people will adapt. While Kingdom Halls have served a vast purpose in the past and we have appreciated Jehovah’s providing them, it seems that with the new world situation and newer technology, their purpose has been served. It seems much safer and more efficient for God’s people to use new means of receiving spiritual food and associating. Jehovah will provide direction as we transition into this new arrangement for worshipping him.”
A transition to e-religion could take place and the org could sell off all Kingdom Halls. I believe it would be much harder than it already is to make converts because I believe the physical association at Kingdom Halls, etc. played a large part in making them. However, I’m not sure the org is really interested in making converts anymore. I think the higher-ups know the days of making converts are over or are nearing their end. I think the org is just in survival mode.
I wonder whether in such a situation men would be motivated to become elders and ministerial servants because I think a lot of the motivation for becoming such is the prominence and glory and attention received at meetings by such ones. Younger or newer males see ministerial servants and elders giving talks, doing administrative stuff, etc., and they want to do such. How would that work in an e-religion? I don’t know. However, maybe the org is not really concerned about acquiring new appointed men, either.
Anyway, I was just wondering whether this new situation is falling
right into the org’s hands and providing cover for something it’s been wanting
to do.