Seeing as how some recent threads put links up for narcissism I thought maybe this personal test may shed light on some of the controversy!
My feeling on reading up on some of the stuff is that its like a crime scene scenario where you were there and innocent but cant prove to everyone you didn't do it!!
I see a lot of this in psychology speak and I think it must cause a lot of vulnerable people a lot of further suffering on top of how bad they already feel!!
Like being branded narcissistic gets people reading around it and attributing all manner of things to your persona and then scrutinising your behaviour for very 'controversial' examples which seem to prove the diagnosis = even though your motives are completely opposite to the ones suggested in the resume for what constitutes narcissistic behaviours! Seems to me that if someone brands you as having it you're in a lose-lose situation??
Kiss of death psychology speak - which seems to suggest heartlessness and I'm convinced some viewed that way have the most loving hearts of all - just that insecurities completely keep closing up their whole persona like a sea anenome when an aggressive aura imposes on their close quarters!
Just some thoughts I'm trying to quantify about why 'narcissism' seems to me to be a bum deal for anyone to have applied to them!
Am I missing something? Please enlighten me!