Why are witnesses all so highly stressed?

by stuckinarut2 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Fear, guilt ,anxiety, gossip its all there down at the Kingdom Hall.

    The WTS has strategically structured the organization to be so as to stimulate the distribution of the publications among other things.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great replies!

    Keep them coming....

    Hopefully those who visit this site anonymously will see the ring of truth to these comments!


    I think there are many reasons why the ORG is Prozac Nation. Probably the biggest reason for anxiety and stress is that there is no rest.

    I think something as simple as keeping the Sabbath would work wonders.

    There is never a day of rest for JWs as I have heard JWs say 'isn't it even better to give ALL days to Jehovah?'

    The day of rest was given to refresh your spirit and body from God, not the other way around.

    There's not enough Prozac in the world to give rest when you NEED rest.

    just my opinion

  • punkofnice
    To maintain that level of delusion is beyond reason. The WBT$ makes sure the r&f are baffled about what they believe. Cognitive dissonance will do that. They know deep down that the WBT$ is flawed but they dare not admit it. Mind control has them in its grip.
  • nowwhat?
    No time to enjoy and appreciate life. You bust your butt all week at work. And instead of being refreshed at the meeting , you get the "can you do more?" we had one elder once say "you don't need recreation to get refreshed. You can find refreshment at the meetings!" Yeah right.
  • sparky1

    "NEXT STOP.....THE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!!! "Honest......Really........We wouldn't lie to you...... It's just around the corner.......Any day now........Soon......Within this generation........Within THIS generation........No REALLY, within THIS generation.....In our 20th century..........It's imminent........According to God's unalterable timetable........Reliable Bible chronology points to our day...........and on and on and on and on and on..................

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Sparky1...your cartoon was so funny, keep it up and " Outlaw" is out of a job:-)

    The Rebel.

  • ToesUp

    Most of our family and friends (still in JW's) are on some form of anti depressant or anti anxiety prescription drug. They openly admit it. One of my close friends calls them happy pills. I completely understand that some people truly need prescription meds but the large # of people we know that are on meds are still attending the meetings. It really makes you question the "happiest people on the planet" statement. Happy? Really?

  • Finkelstein

    The most probable answer to this posed question would be to the overall pressure being imposed to their work in service and each devout JWS is placed under scrutiny to how much they are doing, not just what they are doing in their personal lives, that too adds to the imposing stress.

    The end is soon and Jehovah is watching and scrutinizing your personal deeds and devotion to him in evaluating if your worthiness to be saved from destruction.

    Quite frankly I think people are more scared or in a state of anxiety to how everyone else in their congregation views and analyzes them more than Jehovah.

    Your being watched with scrutinizing eyes by everyone else, not just the prying eyes of elders.

  • Xanthippe

    We once had a CO visit and in one of his talks he asked what are priorities for true Christians and what are optional if we get time. Yeah one of those blackboard, line down the middle things. When he said recreation, is that a priority, no hands at all. Then I put mine up, I never could be a good quiet girl and STFU. How can recreation be optional!! No wonder they're all ill.

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