1961 WT on Blood and today's "light"

by qwerty 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Enlighted and Qwerty,

    Thanks for posting update informations and research on the blood issue !

    This kind of remeinders are very much needed.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi everyone:

    Just wondering if anyone on line tonight has answers to my question I asked this afternoon on this thread?


    Had Enough

  • qwerty

    Hello Had Enough,

    Sorry for the delay, it might be the time difference if you aren't in Europe.

    You asked.......

    Do you know when this new Health Care Directive was handed out and if this and the forms needing to be filled out, will be given to those of us who are inactive and haven't been to a book study or the hall for a couple of years (except for memorials and assemblies)?

    They were handed out last Thursday here. That's a good point about inactive ones. I supposes the only way for you to get one would be to request a copy on your next shepherding call

    What would happen to someone like me who is inactive and was faced with a medical emergency and they don't have this form on record of my choices?

    I suppose you would not be "protected" and open to a Transfusion of blood.

    Does my inactivity now exempt me because I am no longer "witnessing" or am I still technically considered a JW?

    Depends on how or why you are inactive, in the elders eyes that is! If you managed to get away from the Org intact (without any labels) then you are a considered witnesses at the time of disobeying the blood doctrine, then they would say you have disassociated yourself by your actions. Aren't they crafty! it's one way of getting rid of you been known as a JW, especially if you are considered an Apostate.

    I know 30-40 years ago, a young brother, who had not been to a meeting in over 5 years, had a blood transfusion and was df'd over it.

    Do they still do that to inactive ones?

    Again you would be considered disassociated by your actions not disfellowshipped. I don't know if repentance would come into this or not, depends on the Elders.


    "The truth is more important than the facts. "
    - Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello HadEnough,

    sorry for the delay! I can only confirm, that

    here in Europe , the validity of Qwerty statement:

    "Depends on how or why you are inactive, in the elders eyes that is!"

    True 100%.- You see one can't take risks with someone "who is

    quite "weak in the faith"!

    Agape J.C.MacHislopp

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Good Morning (my time) qwerty and MacHislopp:

    Thank you for responding to me.

    My reason for asking about getting the form was I wondered if I should be expecting one to be brought around to me and I guess I thought that might depend on if they still considered me a JW.

    In the elders' eyes, I'm just inactive because I'm emotionally and physically worn out from the stress of my son being da'd, my work and helping out with parent and in-laws who need a lot of medical attention...and...I want it to stay that way because of family members still "in".

    BUT at the same time I don't want to be held to a doctrine I now have come to learn so much more about...the actual truth about...and so that lead me to wonder what they would consider my status to be.

    Wondering about my status was prompted by a thread by Josh about how service hours affect your status in the cong. The comment was made that if one does not hand in any service time, they are considered inactive, not considered as a JW, and not counted in the monthly/yearly statistics as a JW. So then it was asked how can they df you if you're not considered a JW.

    That lead me to ask how can they hold you to 'no blood', if you're not considered a JW.

    qwerty you said:

    Depends on how or why you are inactive, in the elders eyes that is! If you managed to get away from the Org intact (without any labels) then you are a considered witnesses at the time of disobeying the blood doctrine, then they would say you have disassociated yourself by your actions. Aren't they crafty! it's one way of getting rid of you been known as a JW, especially if you are considered an Apostate.

    I guess down deep I knew that, but wondered if there was a technical way around it.

    Yes they are crafty. What doublespeak to say they don't df anyone for taking blood (for the sake of the public image) but anyone doing so is considered as da'ing himself. Crafty AND stupid.

    Thank you again for providing this info for us all. I'm gathering quite a collection of their nonsense for myself.

    Had Enough

  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    I suddenly stopped attending meetings in Oct 00.

    Two elders came round to see me and asked why. I explained about the blood issue, that I wasn't happy with it, couldn't condone it, preach it, believe it. (My daughter had recently (Sept 00) undergone open heart surgery and my openly declared stand was "the surgeons will do all they can to operate without blood, but if she needs a blood transfusion, then she has a blood transfusion and we (my husband and I) have no objection to that. We just want to take our daughter home". I also explained to the elders that I would exactly the same thing again. (Thanks to the skill and dedication of the surgeon and medical/surgical team, blood wasn't used.)

    I also stated that i wasn't happy with the organisation and wouldn't advise anyone to join it. I said that most elders, including the pair sitting in front of me, were hypocritical, saying one thing on the platform, another thing off the platform "unofficially". That i didn't want to end up like most of the sisters in my congregation, depressed and on Prozac (that is fact - and included the wives of both the elders sitting in front of me).

    They asked if they could come and see me in a few weeks, which I agreed to, provided that it didn't include an invite to any circuit overseer or wife, should they happen to be visiting at the time. For many years I have openly expressed a dislike of co's and the visits, and butt-kissing that usually went along with it.

    However, that was the last I saw of them. After a recent CO visit (April 01) they seemed to get a bit twitchy and asked my husband if they could come round and see me. I said they would have to ask me directly and not via any intermediary. Again, nothing more heard.

    They know my views, I refuse to allow my daughter to attend meetings. But they haven't done anything.........yet. I am well prepared with research on the Society's changing views on blood/vaccinations.

    It seems to depend what the elders are like in the local congregation, and whether there is anything better on television that night rather than harassing perfectly happy people, as to whether they DA or DF someone straight away.

    Enlighted UK

    Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have.

  • qwerty

    Thanks Enlighted for the insight into your situation.
    You said........

    It seems to depend what the elders are like in the local congregation, and whether there is anything better on television that night rather than harassing perfectly happy people, as to whether they DA or DF someone straight away.

    You are spot on there. It depends on if they, the Elders, can not
    think on their own, using their Christian consciences. The majority of
    Elder bodies stick closley to the GB's dictates.


    Did you tell me where in the UK you are? I live in the mid north.

  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    Hello Qwerty,

    I live on the south east coast of the UK.

    Enlighted UK

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