So, I am all for free speech, I can cope with JW apologists, creationists even flat-earth exponents. Holocaust deniers are a whole other category I am not sure they should find any kind of platform here.
holocaust memorial day
by zeb 34 Replies latest jw friends
The Nazis did kill 6 millions Jews and millions of Catholics and Russians civils. These things did happen. Its just that for the majority, it is impossible to size or understand such atrocity; like counting the stars. How could civilized, educated, intelligent man design, plan, built and bring to realization such an evil plan all under the cover of lies and propaganda? It is so out of this world that it is hard to imagine and as a result some are tempted to dismiss it ever happening. And yet…. blue prints, photos, videos, mass graves, buildings, testimonies, audio recordings, all of these things are there to testify that it did indeed happen.
That’s precisely what we need to remember, that even in a civilized world, under the right set of circumstances and influences, something like this can indeed happen. It happened because the majority never thought it could actually happen in the first place, but it did happen.
In order to objectively review the evidence with a modern look, one of the most proponents of the Holocaust denial movement was brought to court and … LOST!
I was just watching the film about Irving’s prosecution tonight, interestly.
aligot ripounsous2 days ago
BTW, there were a hospital, a maternity ward (about 3000 babies were born there), a soccer field and a swimming pool open to the inmates in Auschwitz.
After reading this statement I went back and looked at some of your threads and for the life of me I cannot see the same person making such an absurd and ridiculous claim.?
Were you drunk or high on drugs when you said this ?
Or am I missing something .
just asking
Since the special days in Jpb 1:4 could have something to do with the Sun and Moon cycle, (not sure they could count exactly 365. 24 days),
It is today exactly 1800 days to the next big NY state total solar eclipse. (not waewick,)
Always scared the living daylights out of the ancients.
aligot ripounsous
sometimes a little eye opener helps
Doctor Who
“Six million” is not, and was never intended to be, a precise accounting. But the number, which has now been part of the public consciousness for more than 50 years, would never have continued to be cited if it did not mirror the scholarly tallies that have followed in the succeeding decades, and confirmed that rough figure.
Quoted from
I thought quoting a Muslim page would put this into its proper perspective.
BTW, there were a hospital, a maternity ward (about 3000 babies were born there), a soccer field and a swimming pool open to the inmates in Auschwitz.
If there was, it certainly wasn't open to the Jewish inmates!
Did someone crack this guys account? His kid maybe?
aligot ripounsous
DW "the number, which has now been part of the public consciousness for more than 50 years, would never have continued to be cited if it did not mirror the scholarly tallies"
I would rather say that this number mirrors the control of media and of the political establishment by a lobby. I take it as a proof the fact that any differing opinion, whatever the solid arguments it is founded on, is banned, without any discussion, and its proponent is ostracised.