Parents are encouraged to remove their children of adult age if they have been disfellowshipped or are unbaptized publishers that no longer belief or have otherwise committed "sins". Fathers cannot have privileges if they have unbelieving children of any age living with them.
Thus, yes, it is common place for children, partners and elder family to be thrown out of the house if they are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses.
If they do live in the house (which the Watchtower publication strongly imply should only happen if there is no other choice), they cannot have "spiritual" engagement, they cannot pray together, talk about religion and given this governs several hours per week of your life, the majority of free time for most, you basically get minimal conversation. Siblings are encouraged not to talk to disfellowshipped ones which also applies, only the parent/child basic needs (food, support and living arrangement) relationship is allowed to continue.