They systematically discredited all other religions so that once I was out of theirs, I'd never fall for another false religion.
Name one POSITIVE thing you took from your experience as a Witness
by geodude 42 Replies latest jw experiences
Definitely never smoking. Also, public speaking - I still hate it but I can do it if needed. -
Met my partner in this cult, and happily, thankfully left together! Still together!
stan livedeath
as a pioneer i learned how to play snooker.
A love of reading and a sense of morality.
Also got a wife out of it!
stan livedeath
A love of reading
i dont think i ever read an entire magazine. usually just the study article at the meeting. boring.
as for the tuesday night books--god help us.
Food recipes from people of different cultures that I still use.
Speed reading.
Sign language, though I have forgotten a lot of that. But I can still have a brief convo with a deaf person.
Learned how to read and write Spanish at the Spanish speaking khs.
i dont think i ever read an entire magazine. usually just the study article at the meeting. boring.
I didn't love reading the magzines ... but having a more advanced reading age meant I could read fast and I devoured books. It was probably a form of escape.
I read a lot - I remember getting told that I shouldn't keep borrowing books if I wasn't going to bother reading them, as I'd often take them back the next day.
I would agree with some others here that the public speaking thing was a big plus. I gave my first bible reading at 6 years of age standing on a box so I could reach the microphone in front of 60 or 70 people. I read from the book of Jeremiah.
Moving on later to "talk #5" and later instruction talks, asking the audience the questions, and then a few public talks did take away the fear of speaking in front of any group at work, no matter how large the size.
Rub a Dub
I thought of something else "positive." For a little while when I was 13 to 14 I had a writing bug - science fiction- and would try my hand at short stories. But I couldn't type worth shit, and I'd lose patience trying to write them out by hand, I'd abandon the project. One time, I had an idea for a story during the first hour of the Thursday night meeting. So I started writing on the 2 index cards my dad gave me to take Bible "notes" (for a while he actually collected them from me and my brothers, but we'd just use them to draw on so he gave up). I filled both sides of the index cards and thought "this is awesome! I'm trapped here anyway, let's use the time!" I got a little spiral bound pocket notebook and wrote every two hour meeting we had, for a while. I'd actually regret it when the meeting was over...That first story I started eventually won me a class award in a creative writing course senior year (yes, I kept it and recycled it! I realized I had few original ideas and lost interest in writing.)