Baldeagle— l missed your early post. I appreciate you saying hello. I be waiting to know you too.
Lois— you are always a wide open friend. Yes - we walked out. Best thing ever. I hope you are doing well out in the cooler part of the country. You know the hot summer has arrived here!
longhairgal-thanks for stopping by. Do you have a back story out? Yes there were such burdens. I had friends “in” who helped me and l in turn would help others as l was able. It was uneven and not easily attributed to the WTS. The individuals were kind and giving were driven from within -/not without But the press from “management” made everything so hard. So hard.
Sylvia- l read your story you know. The times we lived in —so much l share and yet l know that there were things l did not have to face because of my color. You seem to have a valve of some sort that lets certain stuff in and some things out have balance. You know l love you.
Dagney—thanks for reading my apostate interview lol.l had fun reading yours. This interval of sharing life stories has been a good thing, hasn’t it?
Writing Bethel finally just had to happen. As time goes on l suspect it was me having to process the incoherence of the literature. I wrote and researched as well as l could, stood ready to have the light shine on a better understanding but l knew l was standing on good ground by the time l sent my packet in.
Spoons? I make truly fine spoons. Message me if you’d like me to send pictures of some etc.
cofty- Thank you, dear Scotsman, for reading my spotty story. If you ever had done any such autobio, l missed it.
I recommend this format if you ever feel like stepping out into the uncertain world of subjectivity and personal revelation. We might feel it a risky exercise but the format does help limit the self-damage that arises from filling a blank page( though some of us are beyond saving)
At any rate, l have always valued your remarks from far away Scotland-even when they tick me off. l always wish you and yours the very best.