I googled it and pretty much my understanding is the same as what I imagine. No one really knows, your guess is as good as the next. Interesting thought to consider IMO.
What if the crucifixion never took place..
by Jayk 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Or what if Adam and Eve never existed? No original sin, no need for a redeemer, and there's even less evidence of their existence.
Account of Adam and Eve is contradictory to the original creation account given Genesis 1 where we find God creating mankind, not just a couple. Even if first couple sinned their sin would not be passed on to their children: "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)
If Jesus really lived, then problems are more because it would mean the subject of what is called redemption by the death of the Son of God originated from God. Without any conditioning, anyone would revolt at the recollection of what he reads in the Bible that it was making God Almighty act like a passionate man who killed his son when he could not revenge himself in any other way. I am sure a man who did such a thing would be hanged.
God is too good to do such an action, and also too almighty to be under any necessity of doing it. Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system. But the Biblical concept of God the Father putting his son to death, or employing people to do it, cannot be told by a parent to a child with conviction; and to tell him that it was done to make mankind better is making the story still worse—as if something greater would be achieved through the murder of the innocent [a logic today’s terrorists resort to]; and to tell our children that all this is a mystery is only making an excuse for the incredibility of it.
Exactly. I made a joke that animals must have been able to talk in the garden of because they didn't find it weird a serpent spoke to them.
@Venus Without the resurrection the story of has no ground either.
What if the crucifixion never took place..
Then Jesus Christ would be still roaming with us today
What if the crucifixion never took place?
The Romans crucified many hundreds, possibly thousands of people to strike terror into their enemies. Why should the death of one Jewish preacher mean any more than all the rest, if it even happened.
What if the crucifixion never took place..
Then Jesus Christ would be still roaming with us today
Why is that ? because he had no sin ? And he was perfect ?
The Bible states that the wages of sin (Adamic sin is death) therefore once you have died you are free from Adams sin
The bible identifies at least a couple of people who were resurrected therefore they were now without sin however they apparently died ,why ? as they were now sinless.? And perfect ?
Adam was perfect before he sinned ,a resurrected person who inherited Adams sin was released from that after he was resurrected ,therefore restoring his perfection ,so those humans who were resurrected should also still be alive and roaming the earth today
But we know that is not the case.
The teaching that Jesus was tortured and executed in payment for the hereditary sin of Adam, including possible future sins is the best example that religion is doing disservice to God—they simply do not understand such a horrible concept would never originate from God. (Jeremiah 7:31) It is this type of teachings that give births to atheists.
What if the crucifixion never took place..
Well then the JWs were right on something at least, that Jesus wasn't executed on a cross after all.