In hockey that is.....
This is my concern as a mother in the sport...I have 2 boys that play hockey...One is a competive 12 year old player and the other, well, He know longer plays because of a hockey accident,that almost cost him his life a year ago..He is 15 years of age, but at the time of the accident, he was make a long story short, he was hit from behind and the other player broke 3 of his ribs and rupchurd his spleen....He was in the hospital for 2 very long weeks and transfered from one hospital to another via air lift....He is now almost back to a full recovery but is not aloud to play because of the body contact in the sport.( doctor will not give him the ok to return yet and I dont feel right about it either)..When he started hockey, he was 9 years old...They had no body contact till he became a "A" player, which happened the following year...Now, he was experencied in body checking by the time he played with the other kids.( only because,we sent him to a hockey clinic that summer to learn how to hit safely and right)...My problem is this, When a child plays hockey and if they have no experience playing the sport, they are more then likely to be on a "house League" which means no body contact till the age of 11 or 12 on a house league team...But, if they happen to excel over a summer or something and get picked to go on a "A" or "AE" team then they go to a team with know experience on body checking and he has all kind of kids knocking him around,,...thats when I get a little concerned...My question is this, Do you think they should start body contact right from the get go and teach ALL kids the right way of the sport? I do believe they should have some experience on body contact but really, what 9 year old do you know, knows that they should only hit someone on the ice...I just think that the training rules of the sport is a little half ass backwards...
BTW....The child that hit my son, that was his first year playing body contact with know experience on how to do it correctly,except for 2 weeks of practice before the season started...
So now, I am becoming a advocate to change the rules some how...I need some advice, what do you think?