I need the talk outline connected to the handbill pictured here:
Talk Outline needed
by vienne 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What year is that dated from?
For fun, I went Googling 4701 W Warren Ave. It's a heavy residential area now. Either the road moved or the KH was torn down for houses.
Did those sorts of handouts get much interest from outsiders? Would handing those out in 1957 have got many bums on seats in that (now deceased) Kingdom Hall?
What on Earth does "Good-Will Persons Welcome" mean?? Was English the first language of whoever composed that handout?
Back in the 1940s and 1950s the Watchtower referred to persons who were interested in JWism, but were not JWs, as "Persons of Good-Will" or "Good-Will persons."
Ah, so it was another buzzword! 🙄
This was a hangover pre-1960 Watchtower, "In fact, you may be one of the hundreds of thousands of persons of goodwill who receive Jehovah’s witnesses into your home every week for an interesting Bible study". WT 1962 10/15 p. 625 This shows that "persons of goodwill" were not jws "yet," but showed some interest in the WTS/jws. Showing good will to "god's people." At times, it seem a throwback to describing jws who are not part of the "anointed" class on earth and are the "great crowd." You might remember Luke 2:14, where the King James Bible says (familiar to some because it is in a Christmas song)""And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
It sounds like yet another class, Blondie. But from the discussion above and what you've said, the term must have died out soon after the 1962 article.
Is it another buzzword that died out because it sounds odd in ordinary conversation? It seems like there's a lot of those. "Worldling" is the one that comes immediately to my mind.
NotFormer, actually there was a WT article in 1970 with a title with the phrase "Men of Goodwill"
It has many uses: for non-anointed jws that were "associates" of the anointed jws
And, finally people outside the WTS, who were somewhat "favorable" to the WTS message. The WTS also confusingly sometimes made the great crowd/other sheep not being included with "jehovah's witnesses" as if only the anointed were jws. As late as 2002:
The modern history of Jehovah’s Witnesses attests that they have been succored by their loyal companions, the other sheep, as these were moved by the spirit.
How do Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions praise God?
voluntarily from Jehovah’s witnesses themselves, from their associates, companions, persons of good will,
1965: Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions, are the only ones in the earth who are praising and blessing the most important, the most wonderful and the most holy name in all the universe, the name of Jehovah!