Ok the group of writers that I collaborated with for the Tales of Christmas book (that Chapters will be selling) is considering trying a second book about mothers.
Most of the stories in the book will probably be about wonderful mothers. Well as many of you know I didn't get one of those.
I don't have to submit a story for this book if I don't want to. And I am not a fiction writer (as I'm sure most of you have guessed)
I am really divided about writing a submission for the book. I know it would have to be real but my real isn't exactly warm and lovey about mothers.
If you bought a book about mothers. (Let's say for Mother's Day) would you think a story such as I might write would be out of place in the book.
I was thinking possibly of talking about my mother or mothering in general or the "mothering instinct" and how some mothers don't have it.
I will appreciate all your input into this.