I don't know. The writing style in this paragraph does not seem characteristic of something that would come from Watchtower. I doubt Watchtower would write:
It is also essential that when the secretary is away from his congregation...
No, they would write something like:
If the secretary is away from the congregation or unable to carry out his duties...
The beginning of the paragraph says "I appeal to you" as if the letter is coming from an individual. Letters from Watchtower are always narrated with "we" or "the Governing Body" - never "I". But if it's a letter from a C.O. to a specific congregation he would not use the expression "away from his congregation" but speak of "the congregation" since a specific congregation is being spoken of and not multiple secretaries in multiple respective congregations.
I'm doubting the authenticity of this BOE paragraph. It doesn't read right. it lacks Watchcraft.