No matter of his political views, I still get that special feeling with Min since the time we were in therapy together.
Have You Lost Any “Friends” Because Of Your Political Views?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah but your homoerotic feelings were disturbing to me.
And most of my family. But there are some things that I can get by and some I can not. The crazy we see on the left is something I can not. Its just insane.
the girl next door
These past few months, my own feelings and thoughts on things have been the greatest disturbance to me. Nevermind what everyone else is saying.
I have gone off of social media and refuse to listen to the news anymore.
Yet here I am posting in this forum.
I chalk it up to being somewhat of a lifeline to a community I like to believe I have much in common with when much of the time I still feel like the outcast the cult wishes for and like a lonely orphaned child in the real world.
The world around us may be going through a rough spell. Honestly, its nothing like the suffering as a JW and the long journey to find the way out for most of us.
Politics evolve. Even our own views on them will over time. Surviving a cult is an experience unique to each of us and should bring into balance any challenges we face moving forward through life and politics and the individuals we will interact with along the way.
Yeah but your homoerotic feelings were disturbing to me.
Yes Min ...
I now realize I had fallen into a trap.
Then Romans 7:24 came to mind "Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death."
Thank you for your understanding, counsel and encouragement.
The girl, great post!
Rub, you gotta stop living up to your name, bro
I feel the way you feel about the current situation - and you were very kind to the girl!..I would have been more direct with her and she might not have liked me for it - but that’s TOO bad.
I have some liberal friends on Facebook and I ended up putting them on Unfollow because their whole FB experience is political propaganda garbage or virtue signaling crap. The reason I don’t unfriend them is because they are from my old neighborhood and I guess we are more forgiving towards people we knew from childhood. I did Unfriend somebody a few years ago (with a message explaining why) because they were posting hateful comments about the police - meanwhile they’d be screaming at the top of their lungs if the police didn’t come for them.
My want my FB experience to be non-political and I go on it to see people’s pictures and feel good. I don’t go on it to see blood and guts or stupidity. Somebody’s always pushing the envelope it seems.
I don't think I have, maybe the odd person on F.B or similar, but they are not real friends. I generally try to argue in such a way that I still show respect for the person, though I may quite strongly show where their opinion is wrong, and give them the facts.
I never insult the person, I think that helps.
If people have gone because of my Political, or in fact any other ,views, then good riddance ! they have done so, in a cowardly way, skulking off, not giving any good reason for their opinions, which shows they have no good argument.
A bit like when J.W's run off rather than defend their views and their faith, cowards, who know deep down they have no valid argument to offer.
Anna Marina
Society is made up of relationships and they are based on communication and actions.
I've been experiencing some stuff, not on Facebook but in my face. Boy the hatred, boy the language and what am I being branded as? Dunno really, something like dirt or excrement or vermin. That's how I feel.
People in my area are not quite as brave as me to say 'no' to a bully, I'm not having nightmares but some of them are.
I've stood up to the WT and been thrown out for my view that the authority of the prophet Daniel is greater than Stephen Lett. I have been told the prophet Daniel is not a channel Jehovah is using today. And although they threw me out, I didn't feel they would do any physical damage to me.
But the bullying I am receiving from these others, is on a different level and its all to do with compass sides. I call it unreasonable behaviour. What that means is, you cannot reason with them.
Several I know have stopped watching trad news and media because they are so far away from reality. They are going the way of all Watchtowers.
Anony Mous
It seems to me people are being brainwashed and gaslit, especially on the topics of BLM. They say one thing but mean another thing, there is always some explanation why it's "not so bad", defund the police is not really defunding the police, black lives matter is not really only black lives matter, except it always is about fully defunding the police and it is always that only black lives matter.
CNN has literally turned into the Watchtower. They have been complaining this whole time about Trump sending out Twitters and being loud mouth and talking trash to everyone. This morning headline: "Trump remains silent" - even though he has dozens of Twitters on pretty much any topic, from COVID to left-terrorism. That is just gaslighting.
This whole woke trend where you have to bow before the mob, and act like the mob and say the right words OR ELSE you'll be shunned or worse, feels a lot like the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses.
They are literally demanding that you follow their woke cause, regardless if you agree with them or not, and if you don't they will get you fired, they will destroy your business, they will trash talk you.
This is a cult.