Hi Yeru;
I'm a prophet: I KNEW you'd respond to this one.
A) the war isn't over
Yeah, and the end is nigh. You're a nice bloke Yeru, but not having had quite the same experience as many of us I don't think you understand the loaded language thing. In 'the war isn't over' what do YOU mean exactly by 'war'? It's like what do I mean by 'end' in 'the end is nigh'? What do the Jehovah's mean by 'generation'.
Although undoubtedly full-scale operations in Afghanistan are over, there will be sufficient mop-up activity from now until the US withdraws to say the 'war' isn't over, and even when operations in Afghanistan cease, one can use the 'War on Terrorism' defence, as in 'the war on terrorism isn't over'. This sounds very noble and may be in inception, but in practice is being used to justify actions which would otherwise be unacceptable, such as what we're talking about.
B) these guys ain't POW's they are battlefield detainees
Loaded language. Where are most prisoners of war detained? On the battlefield. If a prisoner of war is a battlefield detainee, why is a battlefield detainee not a prisoner of war? You admit yourself that war is being waged - the war on terrorism. In answering, I'd love you to comment on the similarities between the German's who that term was originally applied to in WWII and the detainees at Guantanamo Bay. And also, how come 'battlefield detainees' are being deliberately held in a legalistic loophole which flies against the spirit, if not the letter, of the freedoms given people by your great country? Isn't that "do what we say not what we do"?
C) some US citizens are getting military tribunals
Yes. This is why people feel it is hypocritical AND discriminatory.
D) why isn't a military tribunal a fair trial? The Nazis in Germany didn't get a fair trial at Nurnberg?
Public accountability, come on, do I really have to explain about that?
But anyway, asides that... I'd like your answer to this;
My stance on this is that if a gang of American Mercinaries were captured in, say, Sierra Leone, and were imprisoned without public trial on an island off the coast which was technically not Sierra Leonian soil and thus free of any Sierra Leonian laws which would provide the detainees with standard legal rights, America would send an aircraft carrier in to ensure justice?.
Am I right or am I wrong?