So Satan has got one up on Jehovah eh ? He has outsmarted the big guy upstairs and effectively shut down the D2D work that has been a trademark for decades of Jehovah`s witnesses .Not to mention the cart work.
Satan 1 Jehovah 0 Strike 1 JAH
When you think about it he has also been instrumental in ,if not shutting down but certainly reducing the numbers to near Zero of Watchtower and Awake magazines in print version around the world.
Satan 2 Jehovah 0 Strike 2 JAH
Then again Satan has stopped them from physically associating themselves with each other at not only congregation meetings but also Circuit Assembly`s ,District Assembly`s ,and International Conventions .
Satan 3 Jehovah 0 Strike 3 JAH
3 strikes and your out Jehovah.