New York Times: ‘People Would Be So Receptive Right Now, and We Can’t Knock on Doors.’

by AndersonsInfo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    The pandemic has put a stop to the activities of one of the nation’s most visible religious groups, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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  • waton

    well, it was recommended under the circumstances to read old literature again, if the good NYT readers did that, may be they would come across the bunker, basement or attic wt images; they can deduce from those, with the publishers in hiding, that the persecution, " touch the apple of the eye" great tribulation is about to unleash.

    " let the reader use discernment"

  • smiddy3

    So Satan has got one up on Jehovah eh ? He has outsmarted the big guy upstairs and effectively shut down the D2D work that has been a trademark for decades of Jehovah`s witnesses .Not to mention the cart work.

    Satan 1 Jehovah 0 Strike 1 JAH

    When you think about it he has also been instrumental in ,if not shutting down but certainly reducing the numbers to near Zero of Watchtower and Awake magazines in print version around the world.

    Satan 2 Jehovah 0 Strike 2 JAH

    Then again Satan has stopped them from physically associating themselves with each other at not only congregation meetings but also Circuit Assembly`s ,District Assembly`s ,and International Conventions .

    Satan 3 Jehovah 0 Strike 3 JAH

    3 strikes and your out Jehovah.

  • JimmyYoung

    Well there is a silver lining.

  • EverApostate

    So the most important work in the Universe -Field Serivce of JWs

    And The most important Worship in the Universe - Worshipping Jehovah at Kingdom halls, is now turned upside down.

    A microscopic virus has proved that its mightier than God and angels

  • LauraV

    "they would be so receptive right now" - typical thinking from a Dub, just like when they make their move on someone who just lost a loved one.

    Only in their minds would they be so receptive, it is extremely rare that someone actually walks up to these carts planted everywhere and asks them to tell me more about your religion

  • Vidiot

    My Dad knew WT theology cold, and he did tell me once that the Org had indicated that the "preaching work" would end prior to - or as a result of - the start of the "Great Tribulation", so the contingency was always kinda there.

    Whether they actually try and spin it that way now remains to be seen.

  • FedUpJW

    I heard a couple days ago from a friend via email, "This is so exciting. A Bethel speaker just said that this pandemic is the soft start of the GT!"

    So yes, the spin cycle is starting.

  • newsheep

    The great tribulation can't start yet. The org is still waiting for all their elderly to die off from this virus so they can cash in. I wonder if Stephen Lett's money and Tony Morris's money will go to the org when they die.

  • dogisgod

    How much money do these 2 have and where did they get it

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