Jesus is Yahweh......Titles applied to YHWH and Jesus in Old and to Bill Cetnar
by krismalone 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
This circle or diagram shows the title applied to YHWH in the O.T. and across it you can see the same title applied to Jesus in the N.T.
This was prepared by the late Bill Cetnar who worked in Brooklyn Headquarters during the 50's (The service department). He woke up with his wife Joan and became an activist.
I remember when I first realized that an unbiased reading of the Bible without WT-colored glasses just might actually support at least some of the claims of mainstream Christianity...
...particularly ones that the Org specifically seemed to go out of their way to repudiate.
Jesus is distinguished from Jehovah repeatedly in the New Testament. (See Acts 2:34, for example)
In fact the name Jesus means “Jehovah is salvation”. The early Christians knew this is what the name Jesus means. (Matt 1:21)
Many titles are applied to Jesus but with significant diffences than their application to Jehovah. Jehovah is the source of salvation and Jesus is the means of salvation. Jehovah is the creator and Jesus is the one through whom everything was created. Jehovah is the only true God and Jesus is the only begotten god. Jehovah is the judge of mankind and he has given Jesus the role of judging the world. Jehovah is the first and last because he has always existed and Jesus was the firstborn of creation, firstborn from the dead, and the last Adam.
Most significantly, these titles were given to Jesus by Jehovah. On the other hand Jehovah has these title by right and was not given them by anyone else.
That's how scripture reads to me, sbf, and I couldn't of explained it so clearly, thank you.
A baptist minister once gave me the example of Joe Hoover was the father and Jesus was his son and as such they both were of the same substance, just one is a little older that the other. like a duck makes ducklings and nothing different. Monkeys give birth to monkeys, they don't create little monkeys but born . Confusing and clear as mud.
just one is a little older that the other
So not co-eternal then. The minister undermined his own point.
It happens every time you ask a trinitarian to explain it in their own words. It's only a matter of time before it ends in a contradiction.
The Doctrine of the Trinity was very late in developing, it is certainly not found in any form in the N.T that does not require a huge stretch. Its development/evolution was probably spurred on by a desire to accommodate Greek Philosophical thinking.
It was never a huge part of the early thinking of the various Jesus sects as far as I can see, not even the Gnostics.
Ideas of an incipient doctrine of the meaning of the Divinity of Jesus , as the two being "one" can maybe seen in very late works like The Gospel of John,( early 1st Century, maybe later) but again, it is a stretch to read in to the words that the Holy Spirit is Yahweh.
Were it a great truth, surely it would be unequivocally expressed in the N.T, and made a great part of the idea of how to gain " salvation" ?
I am no great enemy of the Doctrine from a philosophical point of view, and the Doctrine is nothing like the simplistic J,W explanation and " refutation" of it. As with many things, the J.W Org speaks of things of which it knows not.
Doug Mason
And from where did the Hebrews get YHWH?
You tell me Doug, where ?