Why the Oxygen Special will not work like we think it will...

by HiddenPimo 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • HiddenPimo

    Within the very documentary is a reason I think that JW's for the most part will not wake up even if they watch this program. The one lady actually saw as her family sat behind the abuser in court supporting him despite the established fact that he had abused their very own child.

    THis shows how deep the indoctrination is. I am not saying that some won't wake up, but the majority will carry on, not even because they think these things are lies but because they will look past that at all costs to side with Jehovah.

    If a parent will allow their child to die for the sake of Blood doctrine, then they will surely do anything else requested by a group of men.

    The only way is if the Organization is destroyed by the Governments themselves...

    I welcome any discussion either way...

    Happy Friday,


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  • Tameria2001

    Even if that is the case it will be a wake-up call for those who are not JWs but have dealings with them.

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  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    They might not get up and leave all at once but little by little as these and other kinds of reports are broadcast, they'll begin to see the little things taking place around them as part of a whole picture rather than as isolated incidents that are only happening in their own congregation.

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  • cofty

    There will be a significant number of JWs who are reaching a tipping point for a variety of reasons.

    Ongoing publicity and public shame about child abuse will be the final straw.

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  • krismalone

    Hidden Pimo,

    I agree to some extent with you. If anyone expects a mas exodus because of the Oxygen documentary, they will be sadly disappointed. However, this documentary will definitely help many wake up and at least become pimos and stop supporting the cult financially and by reaching out for slave labor (elders, pioneers, construction, bethel etc). Besides the information about the cover ups is available for anyone to see if they want to.

    Another point that's VERY important is that the Oxygen documentary and many other media reports about the cults pedophile cover ups will prevent new members from joining. The only ones that are joining the cult are born ins and even then 66% end up leaving.

    Rome wasn't built in 1 day. The Watchtower cult will unfortunately not go away immediately but it is losing its influence, control and credibility even amongst the die hard members.

    Just like roaches are afraid of the light, the JW cult is afraid of information and education about their policies and history. Education will do them in eventually.

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  • JimmyYoung

    I don't think many but the most eternal optimistic think it will change he minds of any JWs. IMO its for those who are on the edges and or thinking of joining the cult. If we can cut off their supply lines I.E. new converts it will shorten the war.

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  • ToesUp

    "Rome wasn't built in 1 day. The Watchtower cult will unfortunately not go away immediately but it is losing its influence, control and credibility even amongst the die hard members."

    Spot on krismalone!

    We have family members well into their 70's who do the bare minimum. They have no education, no savings and no retirement. They were the generation that was told that they would not graduate from high school. Are they bitter? Hell yeah! They barely attend the meetings or assemblies (dial in only) and no longer participate in field serve us. They are broke, so I don't think they are donating. They attend the memorial once a year and that is about all they do. Are they still counted? Yep! They hang onto the belief that Jah will see all they have done in the past. They really don't know anything about the teachings (overlapping generation) and they know nothing about the child abuse cases, the GB, the ARC , etc. They bury their heads in the sand and hope that when Armageddon comes, Jah will let them enter the Kingdumb.

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  • Hotpepper

    Hidden pimo

    Your right it will take the govt to kill them totally. The United States should have finished them off in 1917. The Russian did a good job a few years ago. They threw the WTS out

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  • UnshackleTheChains
    Oxygen doesn't appear to be available in the UK. Can it be viewed on Facebook?
  • LV101

    "Rome wasn't built in 1 day. The Watchtower cult will unfortunately not go away immediately but it is losing its influence, control and credibility even amongst the die hard members."

    Is this true? I can't imagine the die-hards' even slacking but you never know.
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