PS i realise now it would have been hard to march with my head stuck up my ars
Remember this old timers?
by ScottyRex 39 Replies latest jw friends
Old Goat
First edition was 1944, revised in 1948, the year I was baptized.
LoisLane looking for Superman
OldGoat. Two hours ago... I remember singing that song but not that song book.
...Praise the Lord less He be angry and you do perish in His Day...
Something about Warriors.
I have been going to the KHall since diapers. I keenly remember the soft moss green one that was after this red one.
How old are you OldGoat???
Old Goat
I turn 90 this fall.
Old Goat
At 90 I'm dependent, which I hate. I'm diabetic, with all that comes with it. I sleep in two hour bursts. I've developed seizures. I forget everything, then remember everything, even things I'd rather forget. I was a Company Servant when we had those, then Congregation Servant. You may have heard me at District Conventions.
A long train of things finally led me to resign as an elder, citing declining health. I keep my opinions to myself for the sake of my wife and kids and grand and great grand children who are firmly committed to the Watchtower. I met, though I did not know well, many of the historical figures: Knorr, Franz [a repulsive little man], Miller [who never got over being a Marine.] and others. Macmillan was a guest in our home a time or two. Liked him.
Now, I believe some of the basic doctrines, but reject the self-elected governing body as a scriptural institution. There's a stout list of things I do not believe. But I most object to the self-entitled, un-scriptural views of those in authority. They browbeat their fellows. Okay enough of an old man's complaints.
Old Goat
Oh and that song, Lois, first appeared in Songs of Praise, the 1928 songbook.
Those songs are much longer than the one sang now. About 2 or 3 times as long and a lot better. The religion surely has changed and after listening to those songs it seems like the heart is taken out of the new songs. Just a bunch of flub to me, just words with no substance.
"hey now all you thirsty ones... come and drink lifes water free, yes come drink you thirsty ones... Gods loving kindness see"
I always HATED the childlike way the bOrg tried to get a rhyme in. Mixing up word order like a bitch.
My own favourite bit of JW plagiarism. With apologies to Beethoven.
I still whistle them to this day