Why do the Elders stress the importance of meeting attendance....

by Davros 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Davros

    Why do the Elders always stress to the rank and file members of the congregation how important meeting attendance is, as well as the importance of always paying attention to every word that's being presented from the slave? But then, during the meeting, they rarely sit and pay attention themselves to the wonderful spiritual banquet being presented?

    They always seem so busy, don't they? Always getting up and going to the back office, or walking back to make a phone call, or a few of the elders and suck up MS meeting among themselves during the meeting in the office or hallway or auxiliary room behind closed doors. Can't these things wait until after the meeting?

    Or is it that, (and I know the answer to this already), they are just too good for, or don't want to hear the drivel that comes from the platform? Nah, couldn't be that!!!!

  • Fadeaway1962

    Power and control and too look important as though they know something the publisher's don't know,

    That was me at one time sad

  • Giordano

    It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay....... Eric Hoffer.

    We attended meetings so that we knew who we were. Otherwise we were just nobody's .

  • Finkelstein

    The ascertain is propagated to assist in staying spiritual strong, they have Jehovah's spirit after all so they able to see and be observantly judgmental over people.

  • truth_b_known

    My father, who is most definitely PIMI, and who was an elder for several decades holds this belief - weekly meeting attendance prevents a person from reasoning themselves out of the Truth.

    Yes, elders do think they are above the need to pay attention to the meeting. They are so dedicated to the organization and feel they know it all that they have no problem conducting business during the program.

    Before the end of the Book Study arrangement there was a congregation that we shared the Kingdom Hall with that was going to have one Book Study group meet at the Kingdom Hall in the afternoon. Our Presiding Overseer said he would never allow such an arrangement for our congregation. His reason was such an arrangement would allow too much free time for the publishers who attended and they would just get into trouble.

  • Vidiot

    The conditioning needs regular booster shots...

    ...and frankly, pressured attendance works better for that sort of thing than the honor system.

  • careful

    fadeaway is right: CONTROL.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    To mirror what others comment about why the eldubs stress meeting attendance is this:

    F. O. G.

    Fear Obligation and Guilt.

    Without those 3 key elements, the Borganization loses control. People start to think ''ahh I see'' or question things or do research.

    Eldubs and meeting attendance(mind control) is nothing more than whipping the sheeple into line by only telling the Dubs what the Borganization wants them to hear.

    Yes, fadeaway is correct, CONTROL

  • Overrated

    All the meets are a constant repeat of crap from the last meeting served up in another way. When you stop going and see the light you come to the conclusion that it is a big waste of your time, especially when your get some sort of education which that why they hate anyone who learns to think for themselves.

  • jp1692

    Because they're told to.

    It really is that simple.

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