... are standing at trolleys every day - millions of hours every year - and never approach people with the "good news" - as per the instructions of the self-proclaimed "faithful slave" in the USA.
The forked tongue of the WT serpent speaks yet again:
w16 May pp. 8-9 pars. 1-3 “Go, . . . and Make Disciples of People of All the Nations” - “But how do we know that the work we do is in fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy? Is it presumptuous on our part to think that we are the [only] ones who are doing this work?
2 Many religious groups feel that they are preaching the Gospel, or good news......How do these claims measure up when compared with what Jesus commanded his disciples to do?
3 Were Jesus’ disciples to be passive, waiting for people to come to them? Definitely not!” :) :) :)
"Apostates" couldn't make this up!