Are You Ready For This?
by Anna Marina 18 Replies latest jw friends
FatFreek 2005
What gives? A video of a group of people arrive at an airport, greeted by a crowd of admirers. All are moving and walking in sync to some audio music or beat. Are they JWs? Who knows?
Anna Marina
You don't recognise them?
"At times, well-known representatives of the Christian congregation—perhaps circuit overseers, Bethelites, members of the Branch Committee, members of the Governing Body as well as their helpers—may attend a convention or theocratic event that we also attend. Naturally, we want to show such brothers and their wives due respect. None of us would want to imitate the attitude of Diotrephes. He refused to welcome the visiting brothers with respect. (3 John 9, 10) But could we, even unintentionally, show a lack of good manners by going to the opposite extreme? How might we do that?
While we appreciate having an opportunity to meet and talk with visiting brothers and their wives, we would show a lack of respect if we treated such ones as celebrities. For example, would it show good manners to take candid photos of such ones—without permission—while they are eating and engaging in other activities? Would we ask them to autograph our books and Bibles? Would we push in front of others and aggressively demand that our photo be taken with them? Surely, none of these actions display true Christian love. Rather, they could show that we have missed the purpose of the visit and the hard work that such faithful ones do in our behalf. What effect could such behavior have on those attending one of our assemblies for the first time?"
Of course it's the fault of the rank and file, they need to be told off for showing a lack of respect, nothing to do with the GB and their helpers putting themselves out there.
That article tries to claim that rather than showing a lack of good manners, they are going to the opposite extreme. What would that look like? That they are showing way too much good manners? Surely there isn't anything wrong with that and there would be some biblical examples to support it.
I really really REALLY hope the Bethel snoopers show this to the superstars themselves
Notice how his wife doesn't get involved in those shenanigans....but the Bethel helpers/bethelites do. For shame.
Why don't the gb keep a low profile when they arrive! Only a select few need to know to escort them through the airport.
What's with the dancing?
This is the description in the 'about' section of the Blue Envelope youtube guy for those of you who don't want to actually go there-
Welcome! I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for 30 years, before eventually leaving. I was a second generation Witness, ministerial servant, regular pioneer, and spent the final part of my JW career in a foreign language congregation (Spanish). On this channel, I talk about a variety of topics having to do with the religion. I named the channel The Blue Envelope because we talk about things which aren't always common knowledge. Special blue envelopes were used by congregations to send reports of judicial committees to Watchtower headquarters. The distinct color ensured that women working in Bethel mailrooms wouldn't open the correspondence. Service Department eyes only! ~Phil
What gives? A video of a group of people arrive at an airport, greeted by a crowd of admirers. All are moving and walking in sync to some audio music or beat. Are they JWs? Who knows?
FF2005, don't you recognize GB member Sam Herd and GB helper Gary what's-his-name? It's a reception for them at some airport. Who else would have dozens of people dressed up in suits & ties, as well as women ALL so modestly dressed, mobbing similarly dressed celebs?