I think the answer hinges on the question "What do they (individually and collectively) actually believe?"
I think many of the opponents of JWs (whether exJWs themselves or not) underestimate this factor, perhaps because they assume that because they no longer believe the theology (and possibly never did), then none of the leadership do either.
If a GB member genuinely believes he has a God-given role to "lead the flock", and he genuinely believes in the no blood teaching, then threats or bribes will not sway him, and in fact are more likely to make him dig his heels in. Likewise with other controversial things like shunning. Most of us can remember being like that ourselves when we were "in", if we were threatened or sweet-talked into being tempted to "compromise" on any of those beliefs.
Where it would become really interesting, and maybe has been (or is) already causing tension at the top, is the power balance. What % of the GB are completely behind these teachings and how many could be persuaded to relax them or even abandon them at some time in return for "concessions"? Who holds the balance of power regarding which teachings are non-negotiable and which could be "flexible"?
I really don't think offering money would make a difference, but something like dropping legal action and/or giving immunity from prosecution or (in the case of more intolerant countries like Russia) giving the JWs more religious freedom might be tempting to some in the GB.
Possibly for some, giving them more influence in "the world" might also be tempting, like with UN lobby groups and national legal processes (forming religious freedom laws, etc), but again that would depend on how much they believe the "no part of the world" teaching and the concept that political organisations are controlled by the Devil, and their belief they're going to heaven to rule.
The evidence so far seems to be that the GB are "circling the wagons" and going into defensive mode over their most controversial core teachings, which suggests they really do believe in them and also really do believe that they are heading for the Armageddon showdown with "the world", or at the very least that changing their teachings now would somehow be worse than keeping them. It makes it less likely they will give way on anything unless one or more of them who hold some authority break rank.