“...are we there, yet?”
Satan is abyssed for 1000 years and when released, immediately asks...
by The Fall Guy 20 Replies latest social humour
"Where's the toilet? I haven't taken a good sh*t for 1,000 years!
“There is a special place in hell" for "those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how to carry it out safely". Donald Tusk
and: while we are on question B: is BER open yet?
f he is a stickler for clear doctrine: "Wt teaches I am to be released "At the end of the 1000 years" but John wrote
"after the 100o years are ended" so : "what time is it really ?" and
the geometry question: " where are the 4 corners of the earth, on the flat-earther's square or is it a 3 sided pyramid?
Is marijuana legal yet?
Where's the nearest taco bell?
I need to see the WT/JW lawyers ,you can`t punish me twice on the same charge ,i`ve done my time.
smiddy3, so funny. Nice to wake up to this morning.
I need to see the WT/JW lawyers ,you can`t punish me twice on the same charge ,i`ve done my time.
Were those A-holes in Sodom and Gomorrah ever resurrected?
Rub a Dub
Jehovah, why didn't you destroy me when I first rebelled instead of letting this drag on for thousands upon thousands of years and cost unending millions of human lives?