Reason of financial problems WTS
by Gorbatchov 38 Replies latest jw friends
How does your insider see it playing out? Could they actually go bust or what? -
Abuse pay outs damage the organisation in two ways. Not only the payout itself but donations drop when members get a whiff of where their money is going. The Catholic church saw this big time, JWs will be/are no different. -
I'm skeptical like Fink, however, there's no question something is up.
Barbara Anderson gave us a heads-up in the last 6-9 mos. re/her thoughts - sure wish I could find the post. She had interesting point(s) for us and is really intelligent - not that she has a crystal ball.
Then again they could have re-evaluated their position and realized there's no demand/need for Plan A so slowing down construction for another business model -- just business. Maybe they've had the luck of Vegas (past 6 yrs!) with cranes stopped next to high rises - just big corporations taking a slow down.
I want them to fold down the tent and run but they've obviously got plenty to finish their country club -- can't be too broke. Have to give up my delusional fantasy -- flip side I'm a skeptic.
Love Gorby's post and hope it's just the beginning of wonderland!
What sort of role would "a non-Witness insider" play within the organization? There can't be too many roles within the organization like that. If what they have told you is correct, did they advise you to keep it confidential, given how easily it would be for the organization to cast suspicion over others who have similar non-Witness roles?
I guess I'm finding the threads on supposedly firsthand information about what we kind of already know becoming a bit too convenient. All the sudden leaks from people inside - and now a leak from "a non-Witness insider".
Either this forum has a high number of "creative" posters or the organization is truly unfortunate to be plagued with a lot of loose tongued insiders.....
SBF -- For the donations to drop (if only!) -- do you think the average JW even knows about or is aware of the Org's child abuse lawsuits? Do they watch the news or chat with anyone on the outside?
My experience with the last 2 (past couple of mos.) is they only chat about the Catholic Church's pedophile issues (still hearing this from the platform?) and are totally clueless about their own religion! 2 fill-in gals in service industry (one shampoo girl&dries hair out - don't use them for anything serious cutting/coloring and have a bum shoulder -- my extra people in the field) the other a substitute, in a pinch/touch-up manicurist for me because they're under one roof! I couldn't believe their naiveté! Unreal. I couldn't take it anymore when she mentioned how the world picks on God's people so I told her let's back up re/the Catholic Church -- the Watchtower talks about the CC because it takes the spotlight off of them just in case the JWs hear or read something negative and all their lawsuits and abuse of children and they hide everything from you! The Org is just another business -- I told her to stay tuned this year. It's amazing how the avg. R&F knows nothing -- they literally still think they're the chosen ones. They desperately need reality!
I don't know how the elders sleep at night! I'm going to ask her about the lay-offs, etc., but I don't think they know much, if anything.
What sort of role would "a non-Witness insider" play within the organization?
A non-Witness insider would not have to be part of the organization.
I'm quite sure that the WTS, like any other Fortune500 corporation, pays consulting firms for financial planning, insurance, legal concerns, logistics, you name it. There are probably dozens if not hundreds on non-JWs who have access to bits & pieces of information that the typical JW publisher, and very likely most Bethelites, does not have.
It's not hard for me to imagine someone talking to Gorby if there is a high level of trust and anonymity is assured.
I think there are plenty of roles for a non witness insider in an organization that consults, befriends, and betrays. Writers, college professors, health experts, scientists. Easily disposable. Anyone that can be used and cast aside with little collateral damage are fair game to them. All can and have been be misquoted, used and abused. Think Monica Applewhite individuals. The RC hearings aren't the first time they've used her. If it matters, she's Catholic, female, and had access to the ultra secret Flock book. It doesn't matter what religion is attached to a commodity that is inexpensive and intended to be used for a purpose and trashed.
What sort of role would "a non-Witness insider" play within the organization? There can't be too many roles within the organization like that.
The WTS uses a lot of outside advisers - at least they did back in my day. Most advisers would not have divulge confidential information. If they did so I doubt they are in-the-know. -
I think people are just broke most of the growth in the past decade has been from poor immigrants. Most jws no nothing of the law suits their dumb as rocks. Those that can donate if thier not, it's because of apathy do to the never ending proclamation the end is near. The slow down stoppage could also be staged to go to a tything program. The Borg put tything in their new Bible. This could be their master plan. -
The WTS uses a lot of outside advisers - at least they did back in my day. Most advisers would not have divulge confidential information. If they did so I doubt they are in-the-know.
I obviously cannot speak either for the organization or the "non-Witness" advisors (!) but I would have thought that there would be fairly exacting confidentiality clauses in any such contact, akin to those found in the banking and merchant sectors. It is no light thing for such an individual to breach confidentiality clauses - warranting an investigation and serious consequences.
What gets me is, within days, on this forum, we have a post from someone allegedly reporting on what they "found" on facebook about inside information and now this thread claiming to have heard directly from "a non-Witness" about highly confidential inside information.
Blabbermouths in the know who not only shamelessly spout confidential information but who (again conveniently) do not caution their privilieged listeners with being careful who they in turn tell. And receptive readers drink it all with relish and barely any critical thought.