Haven't been to a meeting in 13 years. Family that lives 1300 miles away doesn't know. Just visited them and here is what I observed. They talk about their cart service but not anyone they talked to, just what a beautiful spot they set up their cart and chairs along the shore. They talk about their meetings, but not about doctrine or some scripture clarification, but rather how well someone spoke, how well he/she was dressed, did you notice who was sitting with sister so and so? The convention, the drama, how professionally it was done. I have no idea what this years drama is about because they didn't mention it. No type of spiritual discussion. All social type gossip. No talk about how 'we' will be the generation that witnesses Armageddon and survive into the New World without ever dying. We used to talk that way all the time 50 years ago. My family I am talking about have up to 65 years in the Org. One has been a pioneer, special pioneer, Bethalite for his whole adult life. Just an observation thought I would share.
by pontoon 14 Replies latest jw experiences
You want perfect? Wait till we regain paradise, until then expect flawed characters and imperfections... "Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter into paradise
Sea Breeze
Yes, times and the JW members have changed.
My 90 year old Dad is pointing out that there are still a few people on earth that were born in or before 1914. He based his whole life and those of his family on this hope instead of Jesus. Now that the figurative anti-typical overlapping generation doctrine has replaced the literal 1914 generation, he seems stuck. He doesn't get that his most cherished hope has been unceremoniously flushed down the toilet by the WT.I think he sees the change as a weakness of faith. But, he is not going to be weak like others... even the GB. In his mind, even if only one person is alive on earth in 2034 (120 years old), then the prophecy is true. He believes that he will not lose faith.... even though the GB has. So sad.
I can see the terror in his eys when I remind him that he is likely going to die before Jesus returns & he needs to make peace with God, but only for a second. Then he shakes it off and asks if I want to see the latest WT video.
nischansr, be careful, elders catch you here you'll be out
Our grand parents turn in their grave.
I`ve been out since the early 90`s and what you describe just seems so foreign to the conversations we used to have .
Sure their was a little social talk but mainly it was about some new "truth" we learned or how prophecy was being filled before our eyes or how the king of the north and king of the south were squaring off with one another.
How times have changed ,just sounds like a social club now.
ponty - Haven't been to a meeting in 13 years.
That's the best news I heard all day.
Because the Watchtower Corporation(tm) is a fake religion, their doctrines are empty and threatening.
I agree with the OP.
A lot of the chatter, if it is about anything to do with the religion rather than the people, is about the 'original songs' (ugh), what a good meeting or Watchtower article the last one was (usually said immediately after the meeting, regardless of what the content was) or how encouraging the last JW broadcast was. It's quite telling how often someone says how great a meeting or talk was but then admits they can't remember the detail, or if pressed, is unable to give a specific example of something "upbuilding" from it.
Fortunately, even discussions of the broadcasts seems to be dying out. It was a real nightmare when they first introduced the JW
televangelistBroadcasting channel because every month with each new episode, most of the congregation would go crazy with asking each other "have you seen the latest broadcast? So encouraging. What was your favourite part? What did you think of..." and wanting to share their thoughts on whatever was said. I haven't heard anything like that since the return to face-to-face meetings after the COVID lockdown.The other main topic is along the lines of "the end can't be far off now because things are so bad/everyone is struggling so much/the news is so horrible" etc.
In contrast to what smiddy said (and what I remember), very little time now is spent talking about actual scriptures in depth, or details of the lives of Bible characters like Paul, Jesus or whoever.
When my Mum says she 'really enjoyed the last meeting' to shame me, I ask her what bible scripture in the meeting impressed her the most.
Her eyes then glaze over, she becomes aggressive and then accuses me of talking like an apostate!!!!🤷♂️🤷♂️