B. Somewhat sincere. But caught up in the power and money.
I understand how someone can be a sincere believer. I was. I truly believed it all. But I also saw how being appointed as Elders and appointed to special positions of service, ie, even assigned to giving convention talks also really fueled the egos of many men there. So I can only imagine how it must be when you're on the GB and really, really believe that God is talking via your own lips. What an ego trip these guys must be on. Sure they come across all humble and common like the rest of the flock, but cross them or challenge them or question them and watch the shit it the fan. WTF are you peon? I've seen that in prominent Elders, COs, DOs, Bethel Heavies, etc.
Still, if all of us here were eventually awakened to TTATT, then surely many of the Head Honchos at Bethel are aware of the Bullshit, too. They can't write this shit and not realize it stinks!
I hate them for the damage they do to the meek and gullible, and esp the evil they spin towards any learn TTATT and have wasted years or decades of their lives.