Disassociation letter

by joao 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joao

    I sent my disassociation letter two days ago! I couldn't stand it anymore! So many lies, the exploitation of sincere people, the ridiculous amount of rules and all this protection of pedophiles, plus the life of GB as if they were wealthy dictators! I had to slam the door on their faces! My responsibility as human being towards my community demanded this move.

    I think I was a PIMO for most my life as a JW and I felt the urgent need to come out. Covid helped as well as my search for independent information and this documentary.

    I hope that some may also open their eyes and that my wife and daughter might also open theirs. I'm free!

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    How are your wife and daughter reacting (if at all) to your official disassociation from the WT/JW religion?

  • joao

    My wife was (and still is) quite moved by my decision because she has been a JW for her entire life. It's hard. It messed up with all she has been taught even though she has also started to see some light. Our daughter is still young and is not in the mood to investigate for herself yet...

  • smiddy3

    Welcome joao ,I wish you and your family well.

    One other lie the WT/JW religion teach is that when a person leaves the "truth" they become immoral and and practice all sorts of debauchery .And that all people outside of the religion are evil and immoral .

    What a load of crap.

    You can find real friends and lovely moral people that put many practicing JW`s to shame.

    It just takes time ,it`s time to live the life you are entitled to and not by the dictates of a few self appointed men who claim to speak for God.

    How did I ever get sucked into believing that as a 20 y-old ?

    Take care

  • Diogenesister

    I hope there are no problems for you with your family. I've never been in your situation myself but I've read and heard the stories of many many people who have. The two main pieces of advice they all give is to not be too dogmatic about things and to pose everything as a question, rather than a statement of fact. Known as 'socratic questioning' it encourages their own critical thinking skills to kick in and helps to stop them doubling down on their beliefs (which, by the way, you might find they do as a reflex bourne of conditioning).

    The other thing they advise is to be the best husband and father you can, even if you're struggling. This might be especially true in your daughters case but what they mean by that is to try to do things with them away from the cult. So fun family bonding stuff....anything to allow them to see that you haven't changed as a person and that life away from watchtower can be satisfying, fun & safe etc. It also gives them breathing space to start to think for themselves. Many people have said that physical time & space away from constant reinforcement of watchtower beliefs allowed them to really think properly (it's also why cults insist so strongly on meetings).

    I wish you all the best my friend and I'm happy another person will not be waisting their life in servitude to watchtower!

  • WingCommander

    I will NOT click on any links that direct me to "E-Watchman's" website. That guy is another cult CLOWN, and I will not run up his hit counter or legitimize his craziness in any way, shape, or form.

    SIMON: Can we get that link removed? That's bullshit.

    If the "documentary" is not related to E-Watchman or his stupid bullshit, then find a link directing straight to it. Like if it's the Oxygen or Lea Remini special or something.

    Richard King? SCUMBAG NUTCASE

  • joao


    The documentary is not made by him as is really a must see! I couldn't find any other way to watch it here in Portugal. But it's on Amazon and on Oxygen. But I can't watch them here...

  • Bangalore

    Congrats Jao. All the best.

  • WingCommander

    So it's the Oxygen special then? Great! Just tell people that. Most have access to Oxygen.

    Richard King and Rick Fearon are both nutcases!

  • joao

    Yes, that's right. It is really a must see! And, please, have in mind that I'm Portuguese and very fresh here... I'm not aware of many things regarding the American reality... Thanks. :)

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