The year book tells us that some activity in FS is being performed in countries that are banned, Is this accurate? How on earth is it accomplished? Do anyone have any experience?
How does the Preaching Work get done Under a Ban?
by Quarterback 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How on earth is it accomplished?
Carefully, I would imagine.
Perhaps they camouflage the carts.
Quite simply by using some pieces of disguise. Here are some of the most used clothings :
Sometimes they lay low and sneak around.
Other times they poke dictators in the face publicly with predictable consequences.
There seems little rhyme or reason to it. We need to give up the idea that JW actions are rational or consistent, let alone the "one true way". They behave differently at different times according to the whim of the leadership, often apparently based on changing legal, political, internal organisational, and even personality issues.
How does the Preaching Work get done Under a Ban?
The year book tells us that some activity in FS is being performed in countries that are banned, Is this accurate? How on earth is it accomplished?
Enjoying your humour, guys
The year book tells us that some activity in FS is being performed in countries that are banned, Is this accurate? How on earth is it accomplished? Do anyone have any experience?
Illegally. I don't know how it is now, but I remember the yearbook from, say 1974 where they had a lot of stories about JWs in Nazi Germany, as well as many WT stories from people getting arrested, jailed and prosecuted for preaching. The WT trains people to believe that losing their freedoms and lives over their agenda is a good thing.
Jws are not preachers or christians. They are just telemarketers with a prepackaged sales pitch who dont have an theological understanding of the scriptures.
The evangelical church grows by members just finding 5 to 10 people in your life that aren't christians and just becoming their friends. Volunteer your time , help people out and invite them to your church.
Even in countries where being a christian can be dangerous or isnt encouraged. this approach to evangelism has been incredibly successful in places like China, India, muslim world etc. There are tens of millions of people involved in the house church movement.
I have very little sympathy for the poor brothers rotting in prison because they cant bang on your door saturday morning.
They do not carry WT literature and are much more casually dressed. They usually sit at public places, at a park, a mall, they do not go knocking door to door. They start up an informal conversation about the weather or current events to get a conversation going and eventually divert it to the 'good news'. They may pull out a bible and quote from it, but it is usually a translation that is not banned. For Witnesses who are not a resident in the banned country, they would also need to carry their passport at all times and be prepared to provide such identification to the authorities and be deported. This is based on my experience with Witnesses who are banned in Singapore. Not sure about other countries and their methods.
What ProdigalApostate said.
Similar techniques used in certain oil rich countries in the Middle East-- although there they only target expats. They'd get in serious trouble if they got caught trying to preach to Muslims. The government tolerates them, though. Meetings, even circuit assemblies held as "business conferences" at hotels. No songs allowed though.
In Singapore, I'd only add that the government knows they're there, doesn't really interfere, and has even been known to give them a heads up on a "raid" to ensure no Western expats are there when they show up.