The new releases for the regional convention are out at the borg's page. But remember, you can not see them unless first you attend...
Regional Convention New Releases
by pixel 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
neat blue dog
I believe this is the first year without any real new releases. (The dramatic Bible reading and the Jonah video don't really count.) At least last last year they had the PDF for the new Bible story book, even though no physical copies. The year after that, last year, they 'released' the two part Jesus drama, but all that was was a hold over from the previous year.
So they're only 'releasing' the two videos everyone already knows about and that are listed in the program, yet they still keep it hush hush and pretend it's a big surprise? Then, after the dramas, the chairman says 'We are pleased to announce that the drama you just saw is now available for download!' . . . And then everyone has to clap, as if the audience wasn't even expecting it?!
Just tried to watch the one with David Splain and WoW was it boring. Such a waste of time. Half the video is spent reading an insane amount of bible text then he boringly tries to explain or “Splain” it then apply to today.
Definitely would be a good one for after a big lunch in a hot convention hall.
More hype about nothing.
The GB really do have a gullible audience who will clap and ooh and ahh over the most inane "releases"
I can’t get over how cheap they have become. Just a few years back you would get a release a day, sometimes even two. There was always at least one book and a few brochures that were of high quality.
What the hell happened?
But remember, you can not see them unless first you attend...
And we all know that every single last Dubya will NEVER access them ahead of time...
It's almost as if they’ve run out of money and can’t afford to produce more.
So glad I won’t have to be there singing that new song after Sunday’s program!
Della Street
Where did you find the new releases? All I could find was a trailer for the new Jonah movie.
I quit giving a shit the year they teased the Rank and File with the meaning of the “Ten Toes” of the image in the book of Daniel. Anyone remember that year??
They kept dropping hints and the sheeple were all eagerly waiting for the reveal. Finally, the smarmy speaker, on the last part of the last day said, “ What about the ten toes? What do they mean??.........
We don’t know..”
The GB have ZERO respect for the sheeple. ZERO...