I passed out myself one time, but I was sitting in the back because of feeling lightheaded. I gave my wife quite a scare.
Craziest thing you ever saw in a KH?
by dubstepped 43 Replies latest jw experiences
Silentbuddha- I would pay money to see that. The visual! LOL
I'm sure it was horrible and maybe I shouldn't laugh but that is funny.
Pete Zahut
The fidgety and bored young son of the guest speaker was sitting in front of us during the Sunday meeting and kept asking his Mother if he could go to the bathroom. She suspected he was just trying to break up the boredom and scornfully kept refusing him but eventually relented to let him go.
After a good period of time passed, the mother began looking back angrily to see what was taking him so long. Finally she went back to find him and in a few moments, dragged him back down the aisle by the collar and flung him into his seat where he sat sobbing and sniffling.
Suddenly it became apparent to everyone around him that all of his dark hair had been chopped off and you could see white patches of his bare skull through what was left of it. Apparently he had found a pair of scissors in the bathroom and given himself a haircut.
An old Sister had been studying with a little boy she found out in the door to door ministry. His mother wasn't interested but finally agreed to let the Sister bring the boy to the Sunday meeting. During the meeting, someone through a stone through the window that was above the seat he was sitting in and glass showered down on him cutting his cheek and ear. The old Sister had to take him home and explain what had happened. Needless to say, the study was ended.
My beautiful but slightly absent minded Mother used to play the Piano for our meetings so we always had to be there in time. One Thursday she was running late an in her haste to get out the door, put her coat on right over her slip instead of putting on her dress first.
The meeting had just begun when we got to the Hall, so she rushed up the aisle and sat down at the piano and began taking off her coat. Luckily when she felt the cold air on her shoulders she realized what had happened and quickly covered up and only a few people noticed. Us kids never let her live that one down though.
A long time ago during memorial the hall was filled so all the males had to stand in the back. Being a young kid I was squished between all this big men and the old had didn’t have any real air conditioning so I turned to my father and said “hey dad...” and passed out. Next thing I knew memorial was over and I was outside being fanned down haha
A bible study was called on during the watchtower study to comment and she started off by saying she was a sinner and mentioned names of different men she had slept with and what kind of sex they had.
An elder having an affair with another elders wife, he fathered 3 of her children and the husband never knew, until the wife got pissed that he wouldn't marry her, she confessed to the whole affair. In the end, everybody got disfellowshipped.
A brother of a sister used to come to the meetings with her ,they were both middle aged and he was prone to fits being an epilectic ,but not baptised .
He started having a fit during the meeting they managed to get him to the back of the hall where he was lying down having this fit and the meeting was only partially interrupted ,and then continued on while he was being attended to.
Certainly not a normal thing to under the circumstances. But lets face it and be honest.
When we were Jehovah`s Witnesses we were not normal people .
Craziest thing I ever heard was in my old KH when Bro W was giving a talk about Solomon. Bro W didn't modulate too well, he was intending to say that we are more privileged than Solomon as we were living in the Last Days. What he actually said was "King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines - what a privilege!"
Cue hysterical laughter all round.
@Queequeg - good for you for still having your base humanity intact. My guess is that helped you to find your freedom on some level. You treated that moment like a real live human being should, not a mindless drone. The number of stories I've heard where brothers or sisters drop out physically during a meeting and they're just whisked away with the quickness while everyone ignores it is disturbing.
@La Capra - Sounds like the elders at the other congregation had dirt on the elder of yours that forced the vote for the sucky schedule, lol. Few people want the afternoon Sunday meeting. It wrecks your day. I like how he passed it regardless.
We had a vote on a KH remodel once. It was right after a Kingdom Ministry part showing how you could build KHs in Africa for something like $5000. We were voting on spending $50,000 or more on things like carpet and recovering chairs (we had theater seating) and other upgrades. I thought it would be better to use the money to build 10 KHs in some other country but what did I know.
When the elder got up to announce the resolution so that we could get our remodel he literally told us that we'd have to be stupid not to support it. By doing so he poisoned the well. I wasn't in favor of it but wasn't going to get singled out by opposing it publicly. I did at least approach him after the meeting, told him that if he really wanted accurate numbers both myself and my wife were opposed to it, and let him know that how he framed it wasn't fair. It had been an issue that people were somewhat divided on but when he got up there and presented it as a no-brainer that you'd have to be stupid not to want to approve suddenly everyone was voiceless.