--------New Episode---------
Episode Twenty Three - Sherrie is shunned by Jehovah's Witnesses
Today we have a really cool live recording from my living room. A listener to the show from Australia named Sherrie came to the United States with her Auntie Bev and they took time out of their trip to come visit my wife and I. Sherrie is pretty freshly openly out of the Witnesses, and Beverley was never one of Jehovah’s Witnesses despite her close ties to her family and hopes that one day she could see them leave the cult behind. So I had two mics and we passed them around and you’ll hear Sherrie and Beverley and myself and my wife Jenny jumps in too.
You will learn about Sherrie’s exemplary JW life and what woke her up, how much it impacts other family members when people suddenly become Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the beauty that unfolds when people wake up and families are able to live in freedom again.
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