JW.org has a What's New....it's about misinformation...how you need to be careful. The person I have sent some things too ask if I had watched it...I said I would. I probably am ticking this person off a bit. I wrote back I had watched it and how they didn't follow their own advice where the vx is concerned ...It isn't safe and effective and they are still pushing it. You can get disfellowshipped for smoking because it it harmful to your body. I suggested they please explain to me how God can be directing the GB to promote this poison, that I just didn't get it. I linked this video https://www.youtube.com/shorts/m4lL5YTJLDM
listening to misinformation
by enoughisenough 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
When you hear something ''check it out""
That's what Splane explains.
it seems to me the height of hypocrisy that the JW should post how to avoid misinformation, and to make sure of all things....they are the publishers of misinformation and don't want you to fact check them. ( off with your heads!)
Ironic indeed is how those who denounce misinformation and profess to do fact checking are often those who are spreading misinformation and refuse to do 10 minutes of fact checking from reputable sources. There is a lesson here, but I fear you may not yet have learned it.
peacefulpete, I am inclined to look at various sides of an issue before I form conclusions. I wasn't always this way...but then the internet wasn't available. Do you consider the JWs a reputable source? I once did, thinking everything they published had been fact checked by people who were honest...
The Bible says to make sure of all things and to hold to that which is fine...So you have to look at other sources and some aren't so reliable...I guess "reputable sources" are subjective-what You may consider to be reputable, I may not,, so if that case I could write that you haven't learned the lesson.
Some things are just considered to be considered-maybe true, maybe not...but it makes you wonder: cases in point, I just posted a couple of links to videos to be considered...you choose the truth of them.(some of the evidence is compelling )
I think taking the vaccine is a personal issue, but to draw a direct correlation of increased mortality among young people due to vaccine receipt based on increased life insurance claims since the pandemic is unrelated. In the U.S., one of the leading causes of death among young people is fentanyl poisoning. The rates have been rising 30-50%+ per year since 2019...that is substantial. The death toll among younger adults has exceeded 100,000 per year for the past two years...2022 is looking to exceed 110,00 deaths.
I think the misinformation goes both ways with faulty data use.
Actually about June 1973, the WTS came out with an article (study), that said using any tobacco product, coca leaves, and betel nut was spiritism, yes that's right, not a health issue. Several years after that article, the WTS stopped mentioning "spiritism" regarding those practices, but starting emphasizing "health issues." That is one technique the WTS uses, stop mention topics in the publications without out actively changing their viewpoint on it. Another example is the WTS no longer says a creative day is 7,000 years long (last mention in 1987), but only "thousands and thousands of years> "Watchtower 1973 Jun 1 "The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki´a used by Bible writers and translated "practice of spiritism" or "spiritistic practices" has the initial meaning of "druggery." (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki´a. … Do we want to have Jehovah God be a speedy witness against us as addicts to drugs or other habit-forming injurious weeds, things that expose us to the influence of the spirit demons? Jehovah’s judgment against such addicts during the oncoming "great tribulation" will mean their destruction." ↩" (w87 1/1 p. 30 - The Watchtower—1987 last mention)
It's interesting that when the news media has a positive story on the Borg, " You See It's all Great!" But when the same news media reports a negative story, then " They are Apostates under Satan s control. "
peacefulpete, I am inclined to look at various sides of an issue before I form conclusions. I wasn't always this way...but then the internet wasn't available. Do you consider the JWs a reputable source?
Like most corporations and religious organizations, they are deferring to the broad consensus of medical experts and researchers when they encouraged their people to be responsible members of society and get vaccinated if possible.
We all should feel free to get multiple perspectives. The problem is we need to be selective to avoid being pawns to clickbait and provocateurs of distrust. When websites specialize in nothing but conspiracy and scandal, they are not likely to be soberly looking for objective evidence but looking for ways to spin threads into a narrative to sell.
peacefulpete,they weren't deferring to...."experts and researchers" when the CO in a talk said you had to have faith in Jehovah, and if you did you had to have faith in the GB and you had to take the vx if able. Talk about spinning threads into a narrative to sell-that happened several months on end in the monthly updates.