My brother turned 21 on September 24th, a month later the doctor told him that his Leukimia had returned and he had a 10% chance of surviving.
Ten days before he died he spent four days at my house. He had already made up his mind that he wasnt going to take blood. I told him to at least reconsider and gave him as much information that I could. I dont know what he thought about it, but he said he didnt want to talk about it again.
I was on my way to the hospital last night when i got the call..... of course there were three JW elders there with their stupid "no blood" cards dangling around their neck. It was pretty surreal.....
I've never seen a dead body before or touched one. I did last night, his eyes were half open. It was very strange. I told him I loved him and kissed him on his forehead, then I said goodbye.
There were people from my moms cong there and i just wanted to scream, because they kept smoothering me with hugs and telling me he'll be in paradise earf
I hate the JW religon.... dont they realize how horrible this is and how wrong this is?