It comes up from time to time: that the WT's "constant pleas for money" signifies their precarious financial state due to the pressure of the CSA settlements. Is there any way of demonstrating that to be a fact? I ask because I've always been under the impression that "constant pleas for money" is the default state of the organisation, possibly going back to Rutherford's time. Does anyone who still attends a Kingdom Hall feel that the "constant pleas for money" are more noticeable now than twenty, thirty or forty years ago?
Constant Pleas For Money
by NotFormer 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I remember counting money at a district convention in the 1990s. I was one of the assistants to the convention accountant. We were literally on our knees on the floor (where we emptied the bags) because the table was not large enough to organize all the huge piles of cash. Before we could even have the slightest idea of how much cash we had, the usual "Deficit" announcement could be heard in the accounting office while we all looked at each other in utter disbelief. I should have woken up then but I was too young and stupid.
When my husband was a ministerial servant, he was told to be sure to read from the platform the letters from the WTS thanking the congregation for their donations; it was a backdoor way of encouraging them to give donations so it would seem like the WTS was not nagging them to contribute...serioiusly
You might enjoy this:
Watchtower 1879 Aug p.20 (whole article on this link, history of contribution policy from 1879 to now)
Beth Sarim
Stephen Lett GB member said back years ago that this organization has never begged for money & would not start "now"".
Beth Sarim
Not Former;
The pleas for money are now so obvious that they're after members home equity,, wills & estates. In addition they want your frequent flyer miles from supermarkets,, air miles & reward points....
If you go to any assemblies or conventions they have contribution boxes strategically situated throughout the venue. They have credit card & debit card machines strategically set-up by the washrooms & entrances so you cant miss them.
I think there is a misconception that the WTS would stop asking for donations if they felt that the recent amount was sufficient. That's not how it works. They ask for donations and support whether the money is pouring in or trickling in. Also, they would not want to dip into any savings if they can help it. The more urgent requests for money would not start when the savings are low. They would start when they are first having to use their savings, no matter how large those may be.
Like any business, they measure financial health based on current revenue and expenses. Your savings are there to get you through a tough period, but the goal is always to have positive net income. If the GB are placing emphasis on donations, it's because margins are thin or negative. They aren't going to wait for the money to run out before they ring the alarm bell.
The pinch is painfully obvious when you know to look for it.
a watcher
People misquote this scripture for their own agenda. "For the love of money (greed) is a root (not the only one) of all sorts of injurious things..." (1 Tim 6:10)