Pictures of yourself as a kid

by Aztec 175 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Az: Hehehe... so redheads are cute? In that case, yeah, i'm a redhead!! That's it!!

  • Valis
    Actually, doc, you look like cute.

    *LOL* Well, he does live relatively close to our own Barney Fife you know....coincidince or conspiracy? Sincerely, District Overbeer

  • drwtsn32

    LOL Valis!!

    And Spunky's got a million dollar smile!!

  • Aztec
    Hehehe... so redheads are cute? In that case, yeah, i'm a redhead!! That's it!!

    S'okay. Sometimes people think I'm a redhead from my pictures but, I'm actually blond as evinced by most of my posts. You were still an adorable kid Doc.

    Spunky, which one is you?


  • SpunkyChick

    Doc - Thanks for your help!

    Aztec - I'm the girl on the left.

  • Aztec

    Sorry Spunky, you did mention that before. You do have a great smile! I'm sorry about your friend Amy.


  • doodle-v

    And don't call my boat "little"!

    Ok, fire-crotch

    Azzy, your little boy is just the cutest thing (your gonna hafta bat all the little girls away!)

    Spunky Chick, I finally see the pic, very sweet, awwwww


  • Aztec
    Ok, firecrotch

    Rofl! Answer that Doc! Doodle it's good to see you still have a great sense of humor.

    Azzy, you're little boy is just the cutest thing (your gonna hafta bat all the little girls away!)

    It's already starting.... Thanks.

    To anyone who doesn't think I was a dork: In the pic on the left I'm in yellow jammies with my Mom, uncle and baby sister and on the right I'm in red with two of my sisters. I don't know what was up with my hair but, no surprise, I have a flower in my hair.

    In the second set I'm pissed off because I don't want my picture taken in my pajamas. I wanted to get dressed first. My poor little sister got a dolls pair of Mickey Mouse ears put on her bald head. It's one of my first memories. The other one is close to the time I started Kindergarten.


  • azaria

    First Aztec, thanks for starting this post. Seems everybody really enjoyed it. Sure put a smile on my face. If it works for me again...the first are my dear brother and myself in JK and the other are my sweet babies about 16 years ago.

  • azaria

    I forgot. When I saw your pic dr, I just went awwww, that's so cute. But I'm partial to red heads. After this pic of my son (with his sister) his hair gradually went from blonde to red. At 21 he has red curly hair and I think he's so cute.

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