Even though the conventions were full of talks, I have to say, I really did enjoy them. Went I went to Twickenham, with 25,000 people, I was amazed. I loved listening to the speakers with their accents, sitting outside though it was cold, watching attendants serve tea to the elderly DURING the program and the association during the lunch break.
The Convention that was held here in LA a few years ago was wonderful. It was an International Convention with delegates from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Canada, Vietnamese Congregations, the Philippines and an African country. It was so exciting and we got to host Japanese delegates in our homes.
To me, the Conventions were a time of peace, though hectic in getting there. It was nice to be with see people I didn't get to see every week, run into other brothers and sisters that I knew. I didn't like going the years I had to go with my ex-husband, though. Most people didn't like him, thought he talked too much and was not genuine, so we didn't have association afterwards or even for lunch....... And his company was not encouraging to me. Even though he sat at the meetings, it was in one ear and out the other, never applying the things he should have learned.