Riley,, they cant.
Explanation for changes to Disfellowshipping rules at Annual Meeting
by Listener 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I actually think the "new light" on disfellowshipping is a step in the right direction. It makes their position more clear on their view to repentance. It is now in the open for all in the congregations to see.
It's not about feeling bad or crying or whatever. It's about was this a one off thing for which we give a private talking to but not everyone needs to know or is it a pattern that the person needs to fix ( on their own because the elders are not psychologists).
Also, the language has softened so the psychological reaction to all of it is way better.
It's a positive, just about 30 years behind as usual.
What they really need to clarify is how should family treat those "removed"? This is where the real damage is done.
There is a difference between someone who wants to engage in certain behaviors and those who struggle. Who want to change but are basically addicted to a behavior. I feel like alot of disfellowshipped people fit into the latter category.
When a person who is basically addicted loses their whole support system this does no one any good. There needs to be some nuance here. Where the organization can say they are protecting the congregation but the person needing help is still given support and not completely cut off.
Heres the real kicker…. If you read the study articles they are going over last week, this week and next several weeks, you will see nothing has actually changed, other than they may reinstate people sooner than a year now.
thats it.
all that production about mercy and changing peoples viewpoints etc etc and they only actual change, in print (which is what matters) is that now you come back sooner.
*slow clap*
The thing that no one gets is that the disfellowshipping thing comes from 1 Corinthians. Paul's letter to a congregation 2000 years ago. Why are we reading and making policy from one man's letter to another congregation from that long ago?
Wouldn't it have to be something from the apostles and older men (which they call the governing body of that time) and they would make a declaration and that would be sent to all of the congregations?
Riley - “I don't know how these people even take themselves seriously.”
Self-delusion is an easy habit to fall into when you surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you.
“Why are we reading and making policy from one man's letter to another congregation from that long ago?”
and whats more, he himself (paul) changed his mind very quickly and wrote a second letter correcting himself. “This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man”
And other expressions, citing mercy and regret that led to repentance. Im admittedly no fan of bible doctrine but i am not bias in saying, taking the words of a self serving pharisee and establishing a decades long policy of social intimidation, family alienation, harassment and bullying is beyond the scope of any common usage and shows the truth of the phrase ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
The gb took the words they wanted, to mean what they wanted, do what they wanted. Thats the truth.
The stanford prison experiment has been played out in the org of Jw’s for over a century now and the conclusion is clear.