If you say your wife is not that interested then burn it in front of her and she probably won't replace it.
I found my wifes new blood card
by Steel 25 Replies latest jw experiences
James Mixon,
My legal separation agreement was written by a lawyer best advise ever!!!!
Before my children became of age to make decisions and because I do not trust my mother and sister my medical power of attorney was my best girlfriend. Now her is the great part and why I never filed for divorce my separation agreement said until we were divorced HE was responsible for all of the children and MY medical bills and health insurance plus it specified the type of insurance (high option). That was put in there because he was asked to leave the home because he was such a .......... when I had cancer. He did not even show up at the hospital when I had surgery and refused to take me to the hospital when I was hemorrhaging.
Please find below a basic form that can be modified for your particular circumstance if a no blood directive has been signed for your minor child. This should be filed with schools, attorneys, doctors, hospitals, etc. as a counter to the No Blood Card. Be sure to attach a copy of your court order stating you have joint legal custody.
Date:___________________________________________________________Name of Minor:___________________________________________________Name(s) of Legal Custodian:__________________________________________________________________________________I am a resident of the State of ____________, over the age of 18, and fully competent to make this statement.I am a parent of the minor child, ___________________________. This minor is a resident of the state of _________.It is my desire, in signing this document and making it available to you and your institution, to let it be know that I do not agree with and will not consent to the refusal of a blood transfusion or any similar, necessary medical treatment when it is deemed appropriate for the health of my child. The health and well-being of my child are of utmost importance to me and I respect the judgment of the medical community in this regard.I am aware that this child may be in possession of a medical identity card distributed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. I am aware also, that the child’s mother/father may be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and conscientiously object to medical treatment involving blood and/or blood products for medical use involving this child due to religious reasons. My child is not a baptized member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and cannot fully understand the implications of taking a stand regarding a life threatening situation based on Biblical reasoning endorsed by another person. My child is also a minor and not legally capable or bound to a medical decision made on his own behalf.I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and do not endorse this stand. As a parent to this child, I am willing to sign waivers regarding the overriding of this document, if needed. I will also be willing to state this before a judge, if the matter is remanded to a court regarding the rights of my child.I am attaching a copy of a recently published essay, "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation," in the Autumn issue of Baylor University’s Journal of Church and State, December 13, 2005. Information given to the Jehovah’s Witness parent has been proven to be a misrepresentation of the facts regarding blood and it’s use and I cannot agree with any decision not made without all the facts regarding a life-saving treatment.I wish to be contacted in the event of a medical emergency involving this child. This may be objected to by the child’s mother/father but I am a legally recognized parent to this child and this is the lawful course. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.I can be reached at:Address: _________________________________________________Phone:___________________(home)_____________________(work)_______________(cellular)I have filed a copy of this with my attorney and a copy has been given to the child’s mother/father.I thank you, in advance, for your consideration in this matter.Respectfully yours,Your NameDATED this ________ day of _________, 2016.SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ___________, 2016.Notary Seal -
Steel: Something I find kind of funny while researching the subject is there is an old blood card that goes into much more detail about rights and fractions and such.
It had a section about childbirth and mothers rights over the fetus and actually sited a Planned Parenthood ruling.
My jaw just dropped.
The only true religion sited a court case by the world biggest abortion provider just sited Planned Parent.The legal precedent that refers to an unborn child as a fetus is really important to the WTS.
The reason for this was so that a pregnant JW woman could not be forced to have a blood transfusion on the grounds that she was endangering her unborn child. With the Planned Parenthood ruling, the WT lawyers could argue that she could die and not harm her baby...she was only killing a fetus. Even if the baby was full term.
To allow a "fetus" to die because of blood refusal was/is easier for a lawyer to argue than if the courts regarded that baby as an unborn child.
...and "abortion" is definied how according LEGAL DEPt.? Isnt J.W. against abortion and didnt they say in the watchtower that a fetus is a unborn child or at least a "LIVING ENTITY" that can see, hear.....has feelings?
This would be a double standard and hypocrisy about what is fetus
Standpoint in belief: killing fetus = already abortion
Standpoint of LegalDept of Watchtower.: killing fetus = no problem, is only a fetus
Steel: Something I find kind of funny while researching the subject is there is an old blood card that goes into much more detail about rights and fractions and such........
I really wish I could find it again.