Ok, so what are the most deceptive comments that you have heard from your experience in congregations?
my top three are;
1) Service Overseer during the ’ how did we do?’ annual talk, twisted the figures to such an extent that it looked like the congregations ministry was in tip-top shape. He had said to me before the meeting that it would be too demoralising to give the facts as they were so he felt the need to ‘spin’ them to raise morale! It seemed to backfire because the congregations ministry continued on its downward spiral.
2) WT conductor in my hall informed me that the branch had sent through a letter with specific instructions on how the WT reader should read and at what exact points they should enter and exit the platform. I decided to call him out on this one (usually was the meek & mild type) and asked him to show me the letter. He refused saying that it was a confidential letter and I should just accept what he was saying because he was an elder and I wasn’t. I suggested that he should just show me the wording and redact the rest of the letter because if the instructions were so specific I would want to make sure that nothing was lost in translation. He went ballistic and began to threaten my position as an MS. At this point I told him that I thought he was lying and that the specific instructions he said had come from the branch had actually come from his tiny, jumped-up little brain. He stormed off and I took it to some of the other elders. Guess what? He was a first rate liar. Elders confirmed for me that none of them were aware of his ‘rules’ but that I should follow his instruction anyway. I informed them that I would not deal with such a brazen liar and am only interested in fact. Elder disappeared off body a few years later.
3) The reasoning given for the separate bookstudy evening being stopped. Something about petroleum costs? Don’t think so. How about countries where car ownership or travel costs are not part of the equation because everyone walks. Why did they have to stop their book Studies? Must be more to it.