Exactly! When organizations such as the Watchtower corporation attempt to enforce their disingenuous and self-serving little rules upon their millions of mentally captive adherents, then they are, indeed, operating above the law – the basic law of the land which guarantees freedom from such egregious abuses of power.
They can attempt to enforce all they want. Each one of the "millions of metally captive adherents" is an individual who is making the choice to follow the rules. What they believe is irrelevant. Under law they have the choice. Adults who choose to live this way have chosen to live this way. The consequence of their choice is their burden to bare.
It seems to me, though, that an organization had ought to be held accountable for its policies that cause emotional damage to people
That is the difficulty here. The people inside need to wake up, make noise and demand change. Imagine if every person started making firm, prinicpled stands for the positions they were opposed to. In very short order the org would be a shell of its former self.